Neck Fascia (173-183) Flashcards
Name the fascial layers of the neck?;
Superfical layers:
-Superfical cervical fascia (between the dermis and the deep cervical fascia, blend with Platysma)
Deep layers:
- Investing layer of deep cervical fascia (surrounds all the structures in the neck, when meets Sternocleidomastoid & trapezius splits into two to surround),
- Pre-tracheal layer (is situated in the anterior neck, surround trachea, oesophagus, thyroid, infrahyoid muscles)
- Pre-vertebral layer (surround vertebral column & assoicated muscles)
- Carotid sheath (either side of neck between pre-vertebral and pre-tracheal layers)
What structures are contained within the pre-tracheal fascia?;
Trachea, oesophagus, thyroid gland, infrahydoid muscles
What structres are contained within the pre-vertebral fascia?
What structures are contained within Carotid sheath?;
Vertebral column (Vertebral arteries, spinal cord, vertebrae.), scalene muscles, prevertebral muscles, depp muscles of back.
(Carotid sheath- common carotid, internal jugular vein, Vagus nerve)
What are the boundaries of the retropharyngeal space?;
Sits behind the pharynx
Anterior- pre-tracheal fascia.
Posterior- pre-vertebral fascia (Alar fascia).
Lateral- carotid sheath
Superior-base of skull
Inferior- posterior mediastinum
What are the boundaries of the anterior triangle of the neck?;
Superiorly- mandible (inferior border). Lateralally- Sternocleidomastoid (anterior border). Medially- sagittal line down the midline of neck.
What are the boundary of the posterior triangle of the neck?;
Anterior- Sternocleidomastoid (posterior border). Posterior- trapezius muscle (anterior border). Inferior- middle 1/3rd of clavicle.
What are the sub-triangles of the neck and their boundaries?;
1. Carotid triangle (Superior- posterior belly of digastric, Lateral-sternocleidomastoid, Anterior/Inferior- superior belly of omohyoid muscle).
2. Submental triangle (Inferiorly-hyoid bone, Medially-midline of neck, Laterally- anterior belly of digastric).
3. Submandibular triangle (Superiorly-mandible, Anteriorly- anterior belly of digastric muscle, Posteriorly/Inferiorly- posterior belly of digastric muscle).
4. Muscular triangle (Superiorly- hyoid bone, Medially- midline of neck, Supero-laterally- superior belly of omohyoid muscle, Infero-laterally- sternocleidomastoid muscle).
occipital & subclavian triangles
Separated by inferior belly of omyhoid muscle
What are the anterior branches arising from the external carotid artery?;
SALFOPMS (Some Angry Ladies Fighting Over PMS).
S- superior thyroid artery, (anterior branch)
A - ascending pharyngeal, (medial/deep branch)
L - Lingual artery, (anterior branch)
F - Facial artery, (anterior branch)
O - Occipital artery, (posterior branch)
P - Posterior auricular artery, (posterior branch)
M - Maxillary artery, (terminal branch)
S - Supericial temporal artery (terminal branch)
How many levels of lymph nodes are there in the neck?;
Where are neck level V and level VI lymph nodes located?;
V- posterior neck. VI- midline of neck
What structures may be sacrified in a radial neck dissection?;
Sternocleidoomastoid, accessory nerve and internal jugular vein.