nats_2024_20240904013806_1 Flashcards
Battle of aisne
Ceaser fights coalition of belagae not the remi tho, masterfully didn’t attack, conquers bellegae
Ceaser at sambre
Ceaser is ambushed by a larger force of nervii, Ceaser wins, Ceaser conquered bellagae once and for all 57
P. Crassus in western gaul
Western Gaul surrenders to crassus for fear of Ceaser
Ceaser annexes Gaul
He just … does it in 57 the Gauls were not pleased
Ceaser in 56
The veneti “rebel” but Ceaser and his admiral d. Brutus crush them using scythes on the side of their ships end the “rebellion”
Usipetes and tencteri
Germans who drift into Gaul, negaotiste with Ceaser and then are massachered down to the last woman and child 55
Ceaser in 55/54
Invades Britton
British leader who fought Ceaser and lost but sustained enough guerrillascyivity that Ceaser took no mate than a foothold in Britton
Chief of the euburones attacked a Roman fort at liege leading to unrest in Gaul in 53 which was initially held off by q. Cicero(brother) and then put down by Ceaser
Chief of the averni greatest foreign adversary of Ceaser leader of a Gallic insurgence
Ceaser takes it in 52
Ceaser looses here to versengetorix
beat rebels in lutetia, joined up with Ceaser
Ceaser finally defeats versengetorix using earthworks and subdues the main gallic force
Ceaser finishes subduing and peacemaking in gaul
P. Clodous
Ceaser’s henchman- pushed Ceaser’s legislative agenda with gang violence through his artisans club, baneshed Cicero, deposed Ptolemy of Cyprus, took Cyprus for rome
End of clodius
Pompey hires thugs to deal with him and un exile Cicero
Pompey in 57 after clodius
Dealt with famine, feuded with Crassus
55 politics
Cicero attacks Ceaser’s land commission in order to pit Pompey aginst Ceaser, l. Domitius ahenobarbarus promises to recall Ceaser if elected consul
Luca in 56
Triumvirs reunite, strategies made
Consuls 55
Pompey and Crassus
Lex licinia pompeia
Ceaser stays in Gaul till 49!
Crassus proconsular province
Pompey proconsular province
Spain - glued from Rome
Re e statement of Ptolemy
Done by a. Gabinus asked to by Pompey
Politics 52
Milo kills clodius in mob riots burn the senate house
Pompey policies in 52
Cracked down on corruption and made new rules regarding Proconsulships to which Ceaser was exempt
Death of Julia
Death of Crassus
53 battle
Ceaser’s primary enamies
Domitius ahenobarbarus and Cato the younger
Claudius Marcellus vs Ceaser
Outspoken enemy of Ceaser attempted to call hi. To Rome early in 50 bc in order to prosecute him Before he could become consul again
Pompey’s reaction to the request to shorten or lengthen Ceaser’s time in Gaul
No more no less time
Scribonius curio
Ceaser’s tribune who vetoed Pompey’s motion not to change his time in Gaul
Curio’s solution to the senate disarming Ceaser
A joint disarmament of Pompey - passes 370-22
Pompey and marcellus’ response to curio’s compromise
Building an army to confront Ceaser’s at the border of trans alpine Gaul
New Year’s Day 49
Ceaser makes a final offer of compromise Pompey refuses and the senate transfers command of cisalpine Gaul to domitius ahenobarbarus
Cicero’s proposal
Ceaser keeps illyiacum and Pompey goes to Spain- refused by the extreamists under lentulus
7 January 49
Senate give Pompey full control
Jan 4 49bc
Ceaser invades Italy after 1 hour of deliberation by crossing the rubicon with the phrase “allia iacta est”, “the die is cast”
Aemilius lepidus (not the triumvir)
Revolted in 78 in order to reverse Sulla’s policies
Lepidus’ revolt
78-77- lepidus+m. I. Brutus march on Rome Brutus defeated by Pompey and killed in mutina Lepidus defeated by Catullus at the milvian bridge
Aurelius cotta domestic affairs
Restores much of tribunal power
Pompey to Spain
Threatens to march on Rome, is given command in Spain along with metelus
Aurelius cotta and licinius lucullus
Consuls in 74 given command vs mithridates
Pirates problems
M. Antonius sent to deal with them while terentilius varro and Cassius Longinus consuls in 73 made protective grain laws
Sertorius revolts
Metelus’ sole command in Spain
79-78-un eventful
Sertorius gains almost full control in Spain due to refugees from lepidus’ forces
Sertorius actions in Spain
Built a school, allied with mithridates via pirates
Pompey’s command vs sertorius
In kind with the scipioes
L. Hirtuleius
General under sertorius, defeated by metelus
Humiliating defeat by Pompey at the hands of sertorius 76
Segovia battle
Metelus defeats hirtuleus
Sucro River
Sertorius beats Pompey again 75
Pompey tie sertorius
Metelus and Pompey beat back sertorius
Peperna betrays and then replaces sertorius then is defeated by Pompey
Thracian Spartacus breaks out of barracks and leads slave revolt
Crassus defeats Spartacus in apulia 6000 crucified along the via appia
Licinius macer
Anti Sulla’s tribune ally with pompy
Pompey threatens the senate into giving him consulship senate sends Crassus to deal with it
Pompey and crasssus join forces and become coconsuls
Pompey’s consulship
Begged Varro for a memo on senate procedures, made courts non senatorial
Corrupt governor of scicily, prosecuted by Cicero
Verres’ defense v Cicero
Consul elect q. Hortensius
Tribunate under p&c
Fully restored
Lex gabinia
Passed by Aulus gave Pompey command vs pirates
Lex manilia
Passed by Cicero and Gaius gave Pompey command against mithridates
Crassus’ Spanish go near
Calpurnius piso
Crasssus and Egypt
Tried to take it over and appoint ceaser, stoped by Cicero
Catalina in 66
Attempted to become consul failed tried to murder the successors saved by crassus
Catalina conspiracy
Defeated by Cicero and Heyerdahl in 63
Servilius rullus
Attempted to consolidate land in Italy for Crassus stoped by Cicero
Ceaser in 63
Pontifex Maximus and praetor
Catsaline conspiricy
After loosing to Cicero agin he attempts to overthrow govnt again but deatails are leaked and he is prosecuted
27 October 63
Catalina conspirators planned to attack
21 October 63
Senate stops Catalina
8 November 63
Catalina builds an army
3 December 63
Cicero arrest severak\l catilinary ringleaders
5 December
Ceaser valiantly argues for life imprisonment of the conspirators against Cato the younger and Cicero, the conspirators are executed that day
Cataline’s death
After being pursued by metelus celer he dies in battle against m. Petreius at pistora
Concilium ordinum
Intended to prevent constitutional issues and unite the orders created and chaired by Cicero “headed” by Pompey
Proprietor of farther Spain 62
Consulship of 59
Ceaser is consul refused a triumph and made to only work routinely in Italy
For,action of the first triumvirate
Pompey marries Ceaser’s daughter Crassus joins out of fear of Pompey mostly and Cicero refuses for moral reasons
Pompey’s rewards as a triumvir
Land for his soldiers
Reforms of the triumvirate
Attacked extortion, informed the citizens of laws
P. Vatinius
Ceaser’s pawn
Opposition to the triumvirs
Ceaser’s coconsul calpurnius biblius and also Cato the younger - stoped semi forcefully by Pompey’s troops
Ceaser’s reward as a triumvir
5 years of command in Gaul starting mar 1 59 bc
Mithridates takes Galatia and cappodacia
Saturninus insults mithridic envoys
Saturninus Tours Pontus to insult mithridates
Nicomedes 3 of bithinia
Precipitated mithridic war 1 over cappadocia
King of cappadocia supported by rome
Tigranes of Armenia
Defeated by Sulla on his way to mithridates
First contact between Rome and Parthia
Sulla gets envoy on way to mithridates
90/91 mithridates
Takes bithynia and cappadocia aquilius sent to help and tigranes joins mithridates
Aquilius bullies nicomedes into wearing on pontus
Mithridates’ invasion of Asia Minor
He takes it and slaughters ove 80000 Italians
Mithridates takes Athens
His lieutenant Ariston takes it via coup
Archalaus in the 1st mithridates war
Takes Delos as an admiral then takes Piraeus
87 Mithridates war
Sulla arrived
86 mithridates war
Sulla takes Athens and Piraeus
Sulla routs archeleus 86
Sulla agin routs archelausby digging trenches thus ending mithridic advance into Greece 86
L. Licinius lucculus
Took lavant for Sulla
Valerius flaccus
Sent by cinna to attak mithradates and mabey Sulla too killed in mutiny lead by flavins fimbria
85 mithridates
Fimbria takes back Pergamum and nearly captures mithradates
Peace after 1st mithridic war
Sulla makes mithradates release all properties and pay but is made ally of rome
Sulla v fimbria
Sulla defeats and causes the suicide of fimbria at thyatria
2nd mithridic war
83-82 murena sulla’s legate needlessly attacks mithradates is told to stop by Sulla gets a triumph
Sulla lands in brundisium
Sulla’s recruits
Metelus pius, licinus Crassus, a young Pompey the great ( the cuter triumvirate)
G. Norbanus and Cornelius scipio
Norbanus is defeated by Sulla in an attempt to stop the second march on Rome and scipio’ s soldiers desert him for Sulla in campania
People who fought Sulla in his second march
Cinna, Marius minor, samnites
Sulla crushes Marius younger here
Colline gate++- Pompey and Crassus take the Tiber basin, metelus attacks flventia, Sulla slaughters every last man at colline gate
Taken by Sulla 1n 79
Spanish leg of Sulla’s civil war
Annius defeats sertorius
Cicilian leg of Sulla’s civil war
Pompey wins over carbo who dies in 81
African leg of Sulla’s civil war
Pompey defeats domitius ahenobarbarus and the supplanter iarbas re e stating heimpsal son of gauda
Proscription lists
Sulla kills all enemies by utilizing bounties
Shaves of murdered men made into Sulla’s personal guard
Sulla’s money and land
Massive amounts taken from proscription lists, and all other perceived deviants much given to vets
Sulla’s construction of a new constitution
Made dictator for life, streangthened senate
Sulla’s senators
Increased in number by 300, all former quaestors(20) are now members, veto available
Sulla tribunate reforms
All tribunal powers reduced
Praetorian reforms
Increased to 8
Sulla pro magistrate reforms
Added treason law prevented over step
Sulla curses honor un
Quaestor at 30 praetor at 39 consul at 42
Sulla religious reforms
More -theists more preistly control
Sulla’s provincial reform
Made cisalpine Gaul a province
Sulla judicial reform
Trial be jury expanded
Sulla retired to camoania
Sulla dies
80 bc
Pompey denied triumph then Pompey triumphs
82 strange proscription
Lucretius ofella- ran for consul early
Social war
Law 97
Banns human sacrifices
Livius drussus younger
Made a plea for Italian citizen ship, son of Livius drussus the elder,
Rutilius Rufus’ death
Killed by unjust equestrian’s enfranchised by G grac
Drussus’ response, to Rufus
Gave courts 1/2 senators or made 300 equites senators
Popaedius silo
Mastic cheften in social war- first to march
Death of drussus
The consul Philipus made his laws void and then he was assasinated
Aemilius scarus
Prosecutor against Italians defeated by his own commission
Asculum affair
Gaius servilius causes a massacre in asculum by being bad
Picentes marrucini frentani marsi paeligni samnites hirpini lucanians
Seat of secession
Confinum in paeligni
social war in the north commanderfs North
Rutilius lupus vs popaedius silo
social war commanders fighting in the south South
L. Ceaser vs. papius mutilus
Really in control against silo
Marius and his legat poppy Strabo
Lex Julia
Gave citizenship to allies 90bc
Lex plautia papaeria
Expanded Italian enfranchisement 89 bc
Latin voting power
Limited electively initiataly
Southern campaign
Sulla took over, metelus pius defeated popaedius
Sempronius asellio
Anti usery- lyched in the forum
Sulpicius Rufus
Proposed Marius over mithradates, debt limit for senators, and Italians to be equally divided among the tribes
Sulla consulship
88- vs mithridates
Sulla first taking of Rome
He took it easily-88
Sulla’s reforms #1
Recind Rufus’ laws, made Marius and Rufus marked men, All business submitted to the people go to centuriata after approval for the senate, disarmed Strabo , made cinna promise not to change any laws -88
Cinna+ Marius take rome partially due to plauge
Marius’ “reforms” after taking Rome
Mass murder of the aristocracy, made him and cinna consuls without an election, died of plauge in 86
Cinna’s rule
86-83/82- Italians added to all tribes, debt relief with valerius flaccus, metal prices fixed
Consuls 85/84
Cinna and carbo
SCU effective;y made leagle in the trial of opimius
Vestal virgin struck be lightning- caused trial under Cassius Longinus and the sacrificing of a Gallic and greek couple, lead by sextus peducaeus
Censor 119
Metelus baelericus
Censor 115
Gaius metelus delemachus
Campaign against scordisci by metelus capricious
M. Metelus established order in Corsica and sardinia
Aemilius scaurus
Metelian pro equite politician
Tribune 119
Marius after military success in numantia
Marius hometown
Mithradates and his early conquests
King of Black Sea empire, conquered around Black Sea including scithia and samerita
Mthradates papa gets Phrygia peacefully from rome
Senate sends m. Antonius to deal with pirates
Ptolemy apron bequeaths Cyrenaica to Rome
Founded cirta, son of massinissa, willed his kingdom to jugertha heimpsal, adherbal
Jugertha kills heimpsal after the death of micipsa
Jugertha’ s career
Distinguished in numantia, king of numidia during jugerthine wars
Numidian question
Rome sends opimius to divide numidia between adherbal and jugertha
Jugertha masacars adherbal and Italians at cirta
Suggested jugertha bribing senate, caused war to be declared
Bestia’s campaign in numidia
Attacked, bribed, left
Jugertha naming names
Memmius offers jugertha immunity, jugertha reveals that… vetoed
Postumis albinus’ jugerthine campaigns
Showed up, bribed, left with his brother aulus in charge
Aulus’ campaign against jugertha
Attacked suthul by coup de main, then attacked jugertha then was walked under yolk by jugertha
Mamilius names names
L. Opimius, aulus/spurius albinus, calpurnius bestia
Metelus numiducus takes command against jugertha
Numidicus takes cirta, defeats jugertha at muthul, jugertha gets boccus as ally
Marius’ firstconsulships
107- granted command in Africa
Marius’ army
Volunteers from proletariat, more training/rigor
107 battle
Capsa- Marius takes it