External oblique
O: anterior iliac crest, pubic bone, abdominal aponeurosis
I: inferior border of R5-12
(BL) flexion (cc PPT) (UL) IL lateral flexion (cc hip hike) (UL) CL rotation (BL) abdominal compression Depressed rib cage.
External oblique: palpation and MMT
Palpation: slight flexion with CL rotation. Palpate between iliac crest and lower ribs.
MMT: CL rotational sit up. Hold against gravity or apply force towards extension IL rotation
Internal obliques
O: inguinal ligament, iliac crest, thoracolumbar fascia
I: R10-12, abdominal aponeurosis
(BL) flexion (cc PPT)
(UL) lateral flexion (cc hip hike)
(UL) IL rotation
(BL) abdominal compression
Internal obliques: palpation and MMT
Palpation: slight flexion with IL rotation. Palpate between iliac crest and lower ribs.
MMT: IL rotational sit up. Hold against gravity or apply force towards extension CL rotation
Internal vs External Obliques: movement
Internal obliques IPSILATERAL rotation
External obliques CONTRALATERAL rotation
O: sternal head: anterosuperior manubrium; clavicular head: medal 1/3 clavicle
I: mastoid process
Cervical flexion
Capital extension
Lateral flexion
CL rotation
SCM: palpation and MMT
Palpation: supine. CL rotation, cervical flexion. Palpate away
MMT: same position. Stabilize sternum; apply pressure towards extension.
Glute Max
O: posterior iliac crest, posterolateral sacrum, coccyx, TLF, glute med fascia, sacrotuberous ligament
I: ITB, gluteal tuberosity of the femur
Hip extension, external rotation, upper 1/3 abduction, lower 2/3 adduction, PPT, knee extension via ITB
Inferior gluteal nerve (L5-S2)
Glute Max: palpation and MMT
Palpation: prone, knee flexed to 90º. Externally rotate, extend hip.
MMT (Vizniak): same position. Stabilize opposite PSIS. Apply pressure towards flexion.
Biceps Femoris
O: Long head: ischial tuberosity, sacrotuberous ligament
Short head: linea aspera, lateral supracondylar line of the femur
I: fibular head, lateral tibial condyle
Knee flexion, hip extension, lateral hip rotation, lateral knee rotation, adduction.
Sciatic nerve
Biceps Femoris: Palpation and MMT
Palpation: prone, knee flexed. Palpate from just distal-lateral to ischial tuberosity to fibular head. Extend knee to distinguish from vastus lateralis
MMT: prone, knee flexed 50-70º, externally rotated. Stabilize back of thigh, apply pressure towards knee extension, but not rotation.
Tibialis Anterior
O: Proximal 2/3 anterior tibia and interosseus membrane, lateral tibial condyle
I: first metatarsal and first cuneiform
Dorsiflexion, inversion
Deep fibular nerve
Tibialis Anterior: Palpation and MMT
Palpation: Seated or supine. Dorsiflexion plus inversion. Don’t extend toes.
MMT: Same position. Stabilize above ankle and apply pressure towards plantarflexion and eversion.
Pec Minor
O: Ribs 3-5
I: coracoid process
Scapular protraction, depression, downward rotation
Elevation of Ribs 3-5
*assists inspiration
Medial and lateral pectoral nerves
Pec Minor: Palpation and MMT
Palpation: Seated, hand behind back. Palpate just inferior to coracoid process. Lift hand from back.
MMT: supine, round shoulder forward (don’t press arm against table). Apply pressure toward table.
Origin: lateral epicondyle of humerus (CET)
Insertion: posterior base of MC3
Wrist extension, radial deviation
Some elbow flexion
Radial nerve
ECRB: palpation and MMT
Palpation: Pinch wad of 3. Most posterior fingers will be on ECRB. Extend wrist and radially deviate
MMT: Seated, leaning forward so elbow flexed and shoulder extended. Stabilize elbow. Extend wrist and radially deviate. Apply pressure toward wrist flexion and ulnar deviation
Extensor Hallucis Brevis
O: dorsal surface of calcaneus
I: dorsal proximal phalanx #1
Extends big toe at MTP
Deep fibular nerve
EHB: Palpation and MMT
Palpation: place fingers 2-3 distal to lateral malleolus. Wiggle big toe. Differentiate from EDB by wiggling other toes (EDB will be lateral)
MMT: extend big toe. Stabilize at dorsum; apply pressure toward MTP flexion.
Rule of Three’s
For thoracic spine
T1-3, 10: SPs on same level as TVPs
T4-6, 11: SPs half a level below TVPs
T7-9, 12: SPs a full level below TVPs
Which SP is roughly at the same level as the superior angle of the scapula?
Which SP is roughly at the same level as the inferior angle of the scapula?
Which direction do the thoracic superior articular facets face?
Freyette’s First Law
In lumbar and thoracic spines, when in neutral, lateral flexion and rotation will happen in opposite directions
Freyette’s Second Law
In flexion or extension, rotation and lateral flexion will occur in the same direction.
Anterior pillar
Functional division of the spinal column
Vertebral bodies and discs
Hydraulic, weight-bearing, shock absorbing portion of the spinal column.
Size of vertebral disc influences:
Amount of movement available between vertebrae
Posterior pillar
AKA vertebral arch
Articular processes and facet joints, TVPs, SPs.
Provide gliding mechanism for movement
Orientation of facets influence:
Direction of movement
Spinal unit
Two adjacent vertebrae and the joints in between.
Axis of movement for spinal unit
Nucleus pulposis of the IVD
Rectus Abdominis
O: pubic symphysis and crest
I: xiphoid process and cartilage of R5-7
Rectus Abdominis: Palpation and MMT
Palpation: supine, palpate during mini-crunch
MMT: Mini crunch. Hold against gravity, or stabilize thighs and apply pressure towards extension.
Transverse Abdominis
O: lateral 2/3 inguinal ligament, iliac crest, TLF, costal cartilage of R7-12
I: abdominal aponeurosis
Abdominopelvic compression
TVA: Palpation and MMT
Palpation: supine, knees pillowed in flexion, or 90º/90º hip/knee flexion. Palpate anterolaterally during forced exhalation.
MMT: Supine. 90º/90º hip/knee flexion with arms crossed over chest. Stabilize upper body (at elbows). Resist pressure applied to knees towards rotation.
Abdominal aponeurosis
AKA Rectus sheath
Composed of the aponeuroses of the obliques and TVA.
Envelops the rectus abdominis
Anterior triangle of the neck
Posterior triangle of the neck
Upper traps/SCM/clavicle
Femoral triangle
Inguinal ligament
Adductor longus
floor: pectineus, iliopsoas
Anatomical snuff box
medial: Extensor pollicis longus
lateral: Adductor pollicis longus/Extensor pollicis brevis
proximal: styloid process of radius
floor: trapezium, scaphoid
Layer 1 of the plantar foot
Abductor hallucis
Abductor minimi pedis
Flexor digitorum brevis
All originate at the calcaneal tuberosity and insert in the toes.
Abductor hallucis
O: calcaneal tuberosity
I: medial dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the big toe
Abduction of the big toe
Weak MTP 1 flexion
Abductor hallucis: Palpation of MMT
Palpation: Palpate from calcaneal tuberosity to medial big toe, medial to plantar fascia, as person abducts big toe
MMT: Grip heel. Abduct big toe. Pressure applied toward adduction. If client can’t abduct big toe, have them attempt forefoot adduction against resistance.
Flexor Hallucis Brevis
O: cuboid and third cuneiform
I: medial and lateral aspect of plantar surface of the big toe (proximal phalanx)
Flexes toe at MTP #1
Even though layer #3, only deep to FHL tendon and plantar fascia
Flexor Hallucis Brevis: Palpation and MMT
Palpation: palpate medial sole of foot while flexing big toe. Medial to FHB, deep to plantar fascia
Fibularis Longus
O: Fibular head; proximal half of lateral fibula
I: First cuneiform and first MT (medial/plantar foot)
Fibularis Longus: Palpation and MMT
Palpation: Start at fibular head and palpate downwards during eversion. Becomes difficult to palpate distal to lateral malleolus. Travels to base of 5th metatarsal then veers to plantar surface.
MMT: Sidelying or supine. Evert and plantarflex. Stabilize proximal to ankle. Apply pressure towards dorsiflexion and inversion
“Stirrup Muscles”
Fibularis Longus and Tibialis anterior OR Tibialis Posterior. Both the Fib Long and the Tib Ant insert into 1st cuneiform and MT1, and act to support the medial longitudinal arch of the foot.
Extensor Digitorum Longus
O: proximal 2/3 fibula, proximal 1/3 interosseus membrane, lateral tibial condyle
I: dorsal surfaces of toes 2-5
Extends toes 2-5 at MTP and IP joints
Weak eversion
Extensor Digitorum Longus: Palpate and MMT
Palpation: Extend toes to identify tendons on dorsum of foot. Palpate proximally towards origin
MMT: Stabilize at big toe. Extend toes. Apply pressure towards flexion.
The fibularis tertius is actually believed to be part of what muscle?
Extensor digitorum longus
Flexor Digitorum Brevis
O: Calcaneal tuberosity, plantar fascia
I: medial and lateral sides of digits 2-5
PIP and MTP flexion of digits 2-5
Flexor Digitorum Brevis: Palpation and MMT
Palpation: Flex toes and feel through plantar fascia along midline of sole.
MMT. Stabilize proximal foot. Flex toes. Apply pressure towards PIP and MTP extension.
O: medial and lateral femoral condyles
I: calcaneus via the Achilles tendon
Knee flexion
Gastrocnemius: Palpation and MMT
Palpation: duh
MMT: Supine. plantarflex. Apply pressure towards dorsiflexion
O: soleal line of the tibia; fibular head and proximal 1/3 of fibula
I: calcaneus via the Achilles tendon
Weak inversion/supination
Soleus: Palpation/MMT
Palpation: prone, knee flexed to 90º. plantarflex. Palpate on either side ot belly of the gastrocnemius.
MMT. Prone. Stabilize shin. Knee flexed to 100º. Plantarflex. Apply pressure to heel towards dorsiflexion,
Pronation: talocrural/ subtalar/forefoot
Supination: talocrural/subtalar/forefoot
Claw toe
MTP hyperextension
PIP/DIP flexion
Defective lumbricals, interossei
Associated with pes cavus, fallen metatarsal arch, spina bifida, neurological problems
Hammer toe
MTP extension contracture; PIP flexion contracture
Interossei lose ability to maintain proximal phalanx in neutral, so it gets pulled into extension
Heredity, footwear, muscle imbalance, hallux valgus
Mallet toe
Flexion deformity of the DIP
Bad shoes.
Layer 2 of the plantar foot
Quadratus Plantae
Lumbricals Pedis
Layer 3 of the plantar foot
Flexor hallucis brevis
Flexor digiti mini brevis
Adductor hallucis
Layer 4 of the foot
Plantar interossei
Dorsal interossei
Tibialis Posterior
O: Proximal 2/3 posterior tibia, fibula, interosseus membrane
I: navicular tuberosity, MT2-4, all of the tarsals except the talus.