Multiple Theories Of Intellegence Flashcards
Major Theories of Intellegence
Stenberg’s triachic theory
Piaget’s Theory of Development
Gardner’s Multiple Intellegence
Subtheory of triachic theory
Componential subtheory
Experiential subtheory
Contextual subtheory
Adaptation, selection, shaping,
Contextual subtheory
Novelty, automation
Experiential Subtheory
Metacomponents, performance, knowledge, acquisition
Componential Subtheory
According to him, a complete explanation of intellegence entails the interaction of these 3 subtheories
Specifies the potential set of mental processes that underlies behavior
Componential Subtheory
Relates the intellegence to external world in terms of what behaviors are intellegent and where
Contextual Subtheory
Addresses the relationship between the behavior and related task/situation and the amount of experience of individual in the amount of the task/situation
Experiential Subtheory
Involves modifying existing schemas, or ideas as a result of new information or new experiences
Involves the process on taking new information into our already existing schemas
Applying previous knowledge
Refers to the new knowledge
This is develop by psychologist Howard Gardner suggest that there are 7 (now 8) ways that people have or perceiving and understanding the world
Gardner’s Theory
8 intellegences
- Logical - Mathematical (math smart)
- Linguistic (word smart)
- Visual - Spatial (art smart)
- Musical (music smart)
- Bodily - Kinesthetic (body smart)
- Interpersonal (self smart)
- Intrapersonal (people smart)
- Ecology - environmental (nature smart)