Miles stones Flashcards
Grasp progression
ulnar (4mo) - radial (5mo) - palmar/radial (6mo) - pincer/ 3 jaw chuck (8mo) - neat pincer (11mo)
visual progression
strong contrast - 8-9in away (newborn)
increase alert/aware (1-2 mo)
track 180 (3mo)
track w/o head turns (4mo)
reflex progressive
rooting, neck righting, grasp (newborn)
ATNR (1-2mo)
plantar grasp (3mo)
phasic bite (up to 3 mo)
landau ( 4mo)
independently sitting
6 mo
3 mo
12-15 mo
rooting reflex
when you stroke around the mouth they will look for feeding
neck righting
new born
can’t differentiate head and trunk all move together
landau relfex
4 mo
superman in the air
1- 2 mo
astasia abasia
motor incoordination for standing and walking
1-2 mo
phasic bite
birth to 3 mo
push on gums bite
sucking reflex
begins in womb
crawling quadruped
prone milestones
Elbow behind shoulders (1-2)
POE - head elevated (3mo)
POE w/ head at 90 - UE ext (4 - 5mo)
roll to supine & shift and reach - (5 mo)
push back maybe quadruped (6mo)
quadruped from prone (7mo)
supine they are ext
prone they fl
supine progression
chin tuck and playing with feet - foot to foot (3 mo)
ankle movement and hands to knees and to other body parts (4mo)
Feet to mouth, roll to side (5mo)
roll to prone (6 mo)
supported sit - back rounded but pelvis perpendicular frog legs (newborn)
supported - scap add/retraction assist head lift (1-2)
PTS –> head lags
supported - sustained head lift
PTS - head rights midway (3mo)
ring sit supported
propped up on hands (5mo)
indi sit –> head rotation WS occurs to same side head turns (6mo)
Quadruped to sitting (7mo)
can sit different positions (8mo)
astasia abasia (1-2mo)
toe curling, WB medial side of foot (3mo)
stand while holding indi (6 mo)
Pull to stand themselves/kneeling (7mo)
cruising/release one hand to reach out ( 8mo)
indi kneel/crawl/semi-turn in cruise (9mo)
toe standing (10mo)
walk with one hand held
stands alone while doing task (11mo)
walk (12-15mo)
gag reflex
sippy cup
9-12 mo
hands to bottle
3-6 mo
holds bottle indi
6-9 mo
feeds self with spoon
18-24 mo
open mouth cup
3-5 yrs
crunchy food
opens mouth when spoon approaches
3-6 mo