Lower Limb Flashcards
gluteal region
thigh regions
made up of anterior, medial and posterior
coxal bone
ilium, ischium and pubis
articulates with each other at (anteriorly) pubic symphysis
pelvic girdle
formed by sacroiliac joints and pubis symphysis
hip joint
acetabulum of coxal bone with head of femur
-ball and socket
-deep socket for more stability
flex/ext, abd/add, lat flex of trunk, circumduction and rotation
sacroiliac joint
coxal bones and sacrum
supported by sacroiliac ligaments
parts- ala and body
easy to palate iliac crest, ASIS and PSIS
major muscle attachment at gluteal fossa
2 major landmarks for muscle attachment> ischial spine and ischial tuberosity
sciatic notch
greater and lesser
-several neurovascular structures pass
in anatomical position ASIS and pubic tubercle are aligned
lumbosacral joint
supported by anterior longitudinal ligament and iliolumbar ligaments
pubic symphysis
small amount of movement here
-more for stability
open book fracture
separation of pubic symphysis
-car accident or child birth
inguinal ligament
a tendon
obturator membrane
opening between ischium, ilium and pubis
differences between sexes
quadricep angle >xx greater than xy
angle of inclination> xy greater than xx- angle of head of femur
common hip injuries
dislocation-posterior leg inwards, anterior leg outwards
femoral neck fracture- anterior leg outwards
spiral appearance of hip ligaments
medial twisting due to embryological development
fascia of the lower limbs
thicker than arms so blood can be pumped up against gravity
gluteal muscles
gluteus maximus, medius, minimis
tensor fascia lattae
lateral hip rotators
gemellus superior, gemellus inferior, quadratus femoris, piriformis, obturator internus, obturator externus
gluteal maximus actions at hip and innervation
extension, lat rotation
inferior gluteal nerve
gluteus medius actions at hip and innervation
abduction, rotation
superior gluteal nerve
gluteus minimis actions at hip and innervation
abd, rotation
superior gluteal nerve
tensor fascia lattae actions at hip and innervation
abd, medial rotation
superior gluteal nerve
gemellus superior and inferior actions at hip and innervation
lateral rotation
direct branches from sacral plexus
quadratus femoris actions at hip and innervation
lateral rotation
direct branches from sacral plexus
piriformis actions at hip and innervation
abd, lat rotation, extension
direct branches from sacral plexus
obturator internus actions at hip and innervation
lateral hip rotation
direct branches from sacral plexus
-90 degree turn through lesser sciatic foramen
obturator externus actions at hip and innervation
lateral hip rotation
obturator nerve
location of superior and inferior gluteal a.
based on position of piriformis
superficial veins of lower limb
great saphenous v.
small saphenous v.
dorsal venous arch
lumbosacral plexus
lumbar plexus
femoral n. l2-l4
obturator n. l2-l4
sacral plexus
sciatic n. l4-s3
tibial n. l4-s3
common fibular n. l4-s2
lumbosacral trunk
nerve tissues connecting lumbar and sacral plexus
fascia latae
stops blood from pooling when thick
genu varum
necks point outwards
incorrect alignment of femur and tibia
genu valgum
knees pointed inwards
incorrect alignment of femur and tibia
anterior muscles
rectus femoris
vastus lateralis
vastus medialis
vastus intermedius
iliopsoas actions and innervation
hip flexion, lateral rotation
femoral nerve
rectus femoris actions and innervation
hip flexion, knee extension
femoral nerve
vastus lateralis actions and innervation
knee extension
femoral nerve
vastus medialis actions and innervation
knee extension
femoral nerve
vastus intermedius actions and innervation
knee extension
femoral nerve
sartorius actions and innervation
hip and knee flexion, lateral rotation
femoral nerve
medial thigh muscles
adductor longus
adductor brevis
adductor magnus- adductor part
adductor magnus- hamstring part
pectineus actions and innervation
hip add, lat rotation, flex
femoral nerve
adductor longus actions and innervation
hip add, lat rotation, flex
obturator nerve
adductor brevis actions and innervation
hip add, lat rotation, flex
obturator nerve
gracilis actions and innervation
hip add, knee flexion
obturator nerve.
adduction magnus- adductor part actions and innervation
hip adduction
obturator nerve
adductor magnus- hamstring part actions and innervation
hip extension
sciatic nerve
posterior thigh muscles
biceps femoris-long head
biceps femoris-short head
semimembranosus actions and innervation
hip extension, knee flexion
sciatic nerve
semitendinosus actions and innervation
hip extension, knee flexion
sciatic nerve
biceps femoris-long head actions and innervation
hip extension, knee flexion
sciatic nerve
biceps femoris-short head actions and innervation
knee flexion
sciatic nerve
doesn’t cross hip