living Flashcards
What is biology?
The science of life forms and living processes
What was a common feature of inanimate
and animate objects for early man?
The sense of awe or fear that they evoked
What did the systematic and monumental
description of life forms bring in?
Detailed systems of identification, nomenclature, and classification
What revelation humbled man and led to
cultural movements for conservation of
The recognition that all present-day living organisms are related to each other and to all organisms
that ever lived on this earth.
What title did Ernst Mayr assume upon his
retirement from Harvard?
Alexander Agassiz Professor of Zoology Emeritus
What were the areas of research that Ernst
Mayr’s work spanned?
Ornithology, taxonomy, zoogeography, evolution, systematics, and the history and philosophy of
What did Ernst Mayr almost single-handedly
make the central question of evolutionary
The origin of species diversity.
What did Ernst Mayr pioneer in the field of
The currently accepted definition of a biological species
What prizes was Ernst Mayr awarded, which
are widely regarded as the ‘triple crown’ of
Balzan Prize in 1983, International Prize for Biology in 1994, and Crafoord Prize in 1999.
What are the distinctive characteristics
exhibited by living organisms?
Growth, reproduction, ability to sense the environment, mount a suitable response, metabolism,celluler organisation , consciousness
ability to self-replicate, self-organize, interact, and emergence
What are the twin characteristics of growth in
living organisms?
Increase in mass and increase in the number of individuals
How does growth by cell division occur in
Continuously throughout their life span.
In which organisms does growth by cell
division occur?
Plants, animals up to a certain age, and unicellular organisms.
What is the criterion for growth in non-living
Increase in body mass.
What is the characteristic of living organisms
related to the growth from inside?
Growth is from inside in living organisms
growth cannot be taken as a defining property of living organisms conditions should be explained as non living organisms also grow in mass
What is reproduction in multicellular
Production of progeny possessing features similar to those of parents.
it can be used as defining character as non living organisms donot reproduce
How do fungi multiply and spread easily?
Due to the millions of asexual spores they produce.
how does yeast and hydrilla reproduce
through budding
which organism reproduce thru regeneration
What is metabolism in living organisms?
Constantly making and changing chemicals into other biomolecules through metabolic reactions
What is metabolism?
The sum total of all the chemical reactions occurring in our body. not exhibited by non living organisms
Can metabolic reactions be demonstrated
outside the body
Yes, in cell-free systems.
What is the defining feature of life forms
according to the text?
Cellular organisation of the body.
What is the most obvious and technically
complicated feature of all living organisms?
The ability to sense their surroundings and respond to environmental stimuli.