Life Stage Nutrition Flashcards
Feline dilated Cardiomyopathy
Caused by a deficiency in taurine
Resting Energy Requirements (RER)
A calculation to determine an animals resting energy requirements
Bodyweight (kg) x30+70
Metabolisable Energy Requirements (MER)
This calculation accounts for an animals activity level
X factor
life stage nutrition (Dogs)
Gestation: 3xRER last trimester Ca 1.6: P 1
Lactation: up to 8 x RER
Life Stage Nutrition (Cats)
Gestation: 1.5-2 x RER
Lactation: up to 8 x RER
Life Stage Nutritoin (Neonates)
12-18Kcal / 100g BW
Ca: P (1.6:1)
Life stage nutrition (Growth)
2.5- 3 x RER till 4 months
then 2 x RER till final adult weight
Ca: P(1.8:1) late growth
Gut stasis
Gastrointestinal ileus- peristalsis slows or stops