Lecture 11 Pt. 3 Flashcards
Enigmatic phylum
- Unique phylum; solely grouped by protostomian and spiralian development
- Approx. 120 extant species
Urine filled home of dicyemida
- Only observed lining the renal appendages of cephalopods
- Attached to surface of renal appendages or sac
- May occasionally swim in the urine
- Vermiform embryo forms asexually as axoblasts develop into agamete cells
- Agametes mature in full adults within the host
- Acoelomate, no symmetry exists; no differentiated organs
- 8 - 40 outer ciliated somatic cells cover a single long interior axial cell
- Contains polypoid nucleus and intracellular stem cells called axoblasts
- Anterior somatic cells form polar cap
- Two parapolar cells behind cap
- Posterior two cells are the uropolar cells
Asexual reproduction
Cytoplasm of the single large axial cell contains intracellular stem cells called axoblasts
- Immature vermiform organisms form when these axoblasts undergo embryo
* First division makes large axial cell and small somatic cell
* Somatic cell repeatedly divides to enclose axial cell
* Axial cell divides unequally, daughter cells engulf by largest one
* Becomes adult precursor
* Attaches to host after swimming through urine
- Polar cap attaches to renal tubules and crypts of the renal sac
- No harm to host
- Somatic cell and their cilia draw in food from cephalopod urine
- Phago/pinocytosis
The process by which a cell uses its plasma membrane to engulf a large particle
A process by which the cell takes in the fluids along with dissolved small molecules