Lec 6: Attention Flashcards
Filter Theory
- information that gets in is goal-oriented and relevant to current circumstances and what doesn’t is gone forever
- filter selects info early on in processing, happens so early that you haven’t even analyzed what the info is
- cannot explain things like the cocktail party effect
Attenuation Theory
- involves the early selection from the filter theory
- but adds on late selection
- not everything is being filtered out and discarded
- some info gets put on the “backburner”
- if the info then becomes important, we can switch our attention to it
Default Mode Network
helps think to ourselves internally
Central executive network
helps control attention for the external world
amplification or increased processing of certain sensory information that is the focus of attention
inhibition or reduction in processing of irrelevant or distracting information that is outside the focus of attention
right N170
- ERP signal sensitive to faces
N = negative
170 = you see this brain wave 170 ms after you see a face - we process faces we are trying to remember substantially faster than faces we are trying to ignore
mental functions linked with the DMN
- autobiographical memory
- envisioning the future
- theory of mind
- moral decision making
salience network
- switches between DMN and CE
- helps decide what is most important based on your needs
- addiction and ADHD can be due to the hijacking of this network
Triple network model
- CE
- Salience network
Suppression and enhancement in aging
in a study…
- find that enhancement is fine
- no evidence of suppression
- which suggests enhancement and suppression may be controlled by different brain areas
Deficient sensory input gating
- can be caused by frontal lobe damage
- disruption or failure in the brain’s ability to regulate or filter incoming sensory information
- causes increased processing demands
Stroop Task and Attentional Control
- can show us how attentional control can put the brakes on automatic processing
- see an increased activity in the DLPFC in this region when given the instruction to name the colour of the word even before the trial begins
- this is preparing attention to respond correctly
- The ACC registers conflict and turns on when there are 2 pieces of info and it is unclear which to go with
Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex (DLPFC) in Stroop task
- part of frontal lobe crucial for attentional control
- damage to this area would cause you to keep keeping the word even when given the colour instruction
Functional connectivity analyses
- uses fMRI
- looks at which other areas of the brain have similar activity to another activated area
- can help discover neural networks
- high correlation in activity can infer brain areas are working together
- how DMN was discovered