La Universidad de La Rioja Flashcards
Esta noche nos la comemos
We will enjoy tonight
To flirt
Comer con gracia
To eat with much pleasure
No se que me dio
I don’t know what I felt.
Los parachoques
The bumpers
Tener un pin’azo
To have a car accident
Un garito
A bar (establishment)
Fed up
To plug in (like electronics)
Los deslumbrantes
Very strong lights
Very strong
Expecting or interested in something about to happen
Tener un siniestro
To have a car accident
La raja
A slit in a dress or skirt that reveals legs
!Que te den!
F…. you
Echar la culpa
To pin the blame
Perrito faldero
A boyfriend/girlfriend acting like a willing slave for their significant other
Echar un cable
To ask for help
Gato por liebre
“Bait and switch”
Receiving something other than what you paid for
Como un clavo
Llover a cantaros
To rain cats and dogs
Con la lengua fuera
Extremely tired, as if panting heavily from exhaustion
Llevar la batuta
To wear the pants
To be the boss
Empaparse de la cultura
To be immersed in the culture
Las mani’as
The compulsive actions or obsessions
To sleep in
Pagar las sa’banas a…
“A mi me pagan las sa’banas.”
To sleep in
!Hacer un fri’o/calor que pela!
To be very cold/hot