Integumentary System Terms Flashcards
Epithelial Membrane
simple organs that cover and line several surfaces, atop a layer of connective tissue (ex: cutaneous, mucous, and serous membranes).
Cutaneous Membrane
Your skin! (superficial epidermis + squamous epithelium)
Mucous Membrane
Epithelium resting on a lamina propria; lines all body cavities that open to the exterior.
Serous Membrane
Squamous epithelium + areolar connective tissue; lines body cavities closed to the exterior.
Serous Fluid
Thin, clear fluid that separates serous layers.
The serosa lining in the abdominal cavity and covering its organs.
Serous membrane around the lungs.
Serous membrane around the heart.
Synovial Membrane
Composed of areolar connective tissue, no epithelial cells; lines the fibrous capsules surrounding the joints.
Cutaneous membrane, coats and protects you.
Your covering, or your skin, which keeps water and other molecules in the body, and keeps harmful things out.
Protein that makes up the outer layer of your skin.
Composed of stratified squamous epithelium capable of keratinizing, or becoming hard and tough. Outer layer of skin.
Beneath epidermis, made up of dense connective tissue.
Stratum basale
Deepest cell layer of the epidermis, lies closest to the dermis and contains epithelial cells which are most nourished.