Important Stuctures Flashcards
Lowest part of brainstem, relays info between spinal cord and brain. (Respiration and circulation)
Reticular formation
Complex network of nuclei located within the length of the brainstem that runs through the centre of the brain stem and upward through the midbrain.
What happens in the synapse
Electrical nerve impulses travel to the axon terminal of a pre synaptic neuron. The action potential causes an influx of calcium ions which causes a neurotransmitter to be released by vesicles and into transporters.
Presyaptic neuron and post synaptic neuron
A presynaptic neuron transmits the signal toward a synapse, whereas a postsynaptic neuron transmits the signal away from the synapse.
Cell body function
Factory of the neuron, produces all the proteins for the dendrites, axons and synaptic terminals.
Axon function
Main conducting unit of the neuron capable of carrying electrical signals along distances.
Dendrite function
Branch out in tree like fashion and serve as the main apparatus for receiving signals from other nerve.
Myelin sheath
Wraps around certain nerve axons serving as an electrical insulate.
Synapse function
Structure that permits a neuron to pass an electrical or chemical signal to another cell.
Structure at the lower back of the brain sitting underneath the cerebrum. Responsible for the coordination l of smooth well sequenced movements, as well maintaining balance.