Important Info (Ye's Version) Flashcards
Eruption Times
Primary roots & names of each root
Picture of Mandibular 1st molar
From apex of root was certain in line with? Bisects - either the facial or lingual
4th tooth from the midline (primary)
Bifurcation - Most likely 2 root furcation and least likely tooth
What is dental pulp for?
What interrupts medial marginal ridge?
Mesial marginal ridge and lingual = mesiolingual developmental groove
Order of cusps from largest to smallest
Which cusp decreases on max molars from 1st to 3rd - distobuccal
When is allocation finished for permanent and primary
How many roots primary teeth have
Name all teeth that are larger faciolingually than mesial distally
How many teeth does an 8 year old have
When do teeth start erupting