Imperialism Flashcards
white riots and overthrows Queen Liliuokalani because they wanted Hawaii to be annexed they wouldn’t have to pay such a high tariff on sugar. McKinley investigates; does not annex Hawaii (1893).
Hawaii annexed during Spanish-American War=’had’ to annex Hawaii because US needed a port to provision their army in the Philippines. Annexed in 1898=residents granted US citizenship. Got full territorial status in 1900.
Roosevelt told Dewey to capture during Spanish war= he does. America captures Manila with help of Emilio Aguinaldo(filipino insurgents). US buys Philippines from Spanish for $20 million. McKinley doesn’t free Philippines because of ‘white man’s burden’, he wants to westernize and christianize (great economic opportunity), and he doesn’t care that they want their freedom. filipinos assumed they’d get independence; didn’t work out that way. insurrection Feb. 4, 1899 under emilio aguinaldo=attacked us troops=filipinos were defeated, lots of bloodshed. backbone of insurrection broken in 1901 = US captures aguinaldo. US paid for philippines to have improved roads, sanitation and public health. made english second language. got freedom on July 4, 1946
puerto rico
given to US by Spain as part of end of war pact. Foraker Act of 1900 gave them a limited degree of popular government. and in 1917 they granted all residents US citizenship.
rise up against spain, US joins in bc they have an economic and moral obligation (also MAINE ships “sunk” by spanish). Teller Amendment was American promise to free Cuba after US overthrows Spanish. Cuba is freed from spain post war. american military government in cuba post war, but withdrew from cuba in 1902, but cubans were forced to write into their constitution the Platt Amendment (US may intervene with troops to restore order and provide protection/ cubans had to sell that lease coaling/naval stations to US). 1906: us marines in cuba, cuban president calls because of revolutionary disorders, troops temporarily withdrawn in 1909.
defeated by japan (1894-1895), russia+germany move in. john hay=summer 1899 dispatched Open Door note to all great powers. he urged them to announce that in their leaseholds, or spheres of influence, they would respect certain Chinese rights and the ideal of fair competition. russia was only power that politely declined, but hay interpreted russian refusal as an acceptance and proclaimed that Open Door was in effect in china. “boxers”=”kill foreign devils”. john hay sends new note saying the open door would embrace the territorial and commercial integrity of china.
Panamanians rebelled numerous times, counted on a wave of prosperity to follow construction of canal. the engineer raises a tiny army and some colombian troops for a panamanian revolution (november 1903). roosevelt stopped colombian troops from interfering with the uprising by preventing them to cross the isthmus. the engineer is now the prime minister and signs Hay-Bunau-Varilla treaty to build Panama Canal. colombia is upset that panama was “taken” from them because of US interference.
Roosevelt Corollary
“preventive intervention”
in the event of future financial malfeasance by the Latin American Nations, the US would intervene, take over the customs houses, pay off the debts, and keep the troublesome powers on the other side of the atlantic.
mexicans revolt, took ugly turn in 1913 = clique murdered revolutionary president and installed Gen Victoriani Huerta (indian). wilson refuses to intervene and recognizes Huerta as president. wilson allows arms to go to huerta’s rivals. wilson decides to eliminate Huerta after he takes some americans captive. wilson ordered a navy to intercept german ship bringing arms to huerta. ABC powers stood in and resolved situation, Huerta fell in July 1914. gang that kept killing american citizens to try to drive wilson into war.
america during WW1
at first neutral, lots of prosperity=economic boom. america has to go to war to protect democracy. Zimmerman note (message from Germany to Mexico, alliance). Wilson’s 14 Points: abolish secret treaties, freedom of seas, removal of economic barriers, reduction of armament burdens, colonial claims in interest of native people and colonizers; self-determination to oppressed minority groups.