greece Flashcards
people who settles on the greek mainland
army led by Mycenaean kings attacked the city of troy in Anatolia
trojan war
moved into the war torn country side after the destruction of the Mycenaeans
greatest story teller and was blind
narrative poems celebrating heroic deeds
traditional story about gods, ancestors, or heroes told to explain the natural world or customs and beliefs of a society
city state in ancient greece
fortified part of Ancient Greece city
form of gov with monarchy at the head
form of gov which power is held by the nobility
small group of people having control of a country
cruel oppressive ruler
gov in which the people rule
body of troupes moving in close formation
conflict between Greece and Persia
Persian wars
form of gov which citizens rule directly and not. through representatives
direct democracy
art in which harmony, order, and proportion are emphasized
classical art
professional entertainment consisting of jokes and satirical sketches, intended to make an audience laugh.
professional entertainment consisting of jokes and satirical sketches, intended to make an audience laugh.
war between Athens and Sparta
paloponesian war
lovers of wisdom, determined to seek the truth
critic of sophists, believed standards did exist for truth and justice
student of socrates, his classes are farmers, artisans, and warriors, and ruling classes
question of world and human belief
king of Macedonia, and father of Alexander the great
Phillip II
ancient kingdom of the greek peninsula
king of macedon, and had an empire from Greece to Egypt.
Alexander the great
last king of achaemenid empire
Dorius III
greek culture blended with Egyptian, Persian, and Indian, influences
the further most center of commerce and hellenistic civilization; Egyptian city
highly regarded mathematician who taught in Alexandria
accurately estimated pi, explained the law of the lever
largest Hellenistic statue
colossus of Rhodes
he increased the number of public officials who were paid salaries….now even the poorest citizen could serve if elected or chosen by lot. Now Athens had more citizens engaged in self-government than any other city state in Greece.
What steps did Pericles take to strengthen democracy in Athens?
Athens avoided land battles and attack by sea…..Sparta eventually attacked on land and burned Athen’s food supply
What were the battle strategies of Athens and Sparta I the Peloponnesian War?
Solon stated that no citizen should own another citizen–he outlawed debt slavery. He organized everyone into four social classes according to wealth. Only those in the top three classes could hold political offices…all could participate in Athenian assembly, and anyone could bring charges against wrongdoers. Cleisthenes introduced further reforms. He broke up the power of the nobility by organizing citizens into ten groups based on where they lived rather than on their wealth. He created Council of Five Hundred…Only free adult male property owners born in Athens were considered citizens.
What contributions did Solon and Cleisthenes make to the development of Athenian democracy?
they felt a new sense of confidence and freedom. Athens emerged as the leader of the Delian League, which had grown to some 200 city-states. soon they began to use their power to control the other league members.
How did Athens benefit from victory in the Persian Wars?
As the Greeks became skilled sailors, the importance of trade increased because the Greeks lacked natural resources
What impact did nearness to the sea have on the development of Greece?
Seaborne trade, artistic designs, writing system, religious practice, politics, literature
What aspects of culture did the Mycenaens adopt from the Minoans
They were important because instead of writing stories down (because in this time period the written word had disappeared) they were told by the spoken word
Why were the epics of importance to the Greeks during the Dorian Period.
He organized his troops into phalanxes of 16 men across and 16 deep, each one armed with an 18-foot pike. Philip used this heavy phalanx formation to break through enemy lines. Then he used fast moving cavalry to crush his disorganized opponents.
How was Philip II able to conquer Greece?
his Macedonian generals fought among themselves for control of his empire. Three leaders won out–Antigonus became king of Macedonia, Ptolemy seized Egypt, and Seleucus took most of the old Persian Empire. They all governed with complete power over their subjects, ignoring democratic traditions of the Greek polis.
What happened to Alexander’s empire after his death?
it made it so that it became and international community so it had a rich mixture of customs and traditions
How did trade contribute to the cultural diversity of the Hellenistic city of Alexandria?
The astronomers, Eratosthenes and Aristarchus, used his geometry text that we still use today
How did Euclid influence some of the developments in astronomy during the Hellenisitc period?
They both promote having social unity
How did stoicism and epicureanism have in common?