General Flashcards
Deploy (di-PLÓI)
Desdobrar: v. To release a software update to a live environment.
API (ei-pi-AI)
API: n. Application Programming Interface, a set of functions for building software applications.
Component (kom-POH-nent)
Componente: n. A modular, reusable piece of code in frontend development.
Framework (FREI-muork)
Estrutura de trabalho: n. A pre-built structure for developing applications, such as React or Angular.
Library (LAI-bra-ri)
Biblioteca: n. A collection of pre-written code that can be used to optimize development.
Responsive (ri-SPON-siv)
Responsivo: adj. Able to adapt to different screen sizes and orientations.
Optimize (OP-ti-maiz)
Otimizar: v. To make code more efficient in terms of speed and memory.
Debug (di-BÂG)
Depurar: v. To find and fix errors in the code.
Syntax (SIN-taks)
Sintaxe: n. The set of rules for structuring code in a programming language.
Iteration (i-te-REI-xan)
Iteração: n. A process of repeating operations, often used in coding loops.
Refactor (ri-FAK-tor)
Refatorar: v. To restructure code to improve its readability and efficiency without changing its behavior.
Hook (RUK)
Gancho: n. A special function in React that lets you ‘hook into’ React features.
State (STEIT)
Estado: n. A dynamic part of a component that determines how it renders and behaves.
Props (PROPS)
Propriedades: n. Inputs to a React component that let you pass data between components.
Context (KON-text)
Contexto: n. A feature in React for passing data globally to components.
Modelo de Objeto de Documento: n. The structure of a webpage as interpreted by the browser.
Viewport (VJU-port)
Área de Visualização: n. The visible area of a webpage on the screen.
Rendering (REN-der-ing)
Renderização: n. The process of displaying visual elements on the screen.
Compile (kom-PAIL)
Compilar: v. To transform source code into a lower-level language for execution.
Transpile (tran-SPIEL)
Transpilar: v. To convert code from one language or version to another (e.g., TypeScript to JavaScript).
Package (PA-ki-dj)
Pacote: n. A bundle of code, like a library, that can be installed and used in a project.
Module (MO-di-ul)
Módulo: n. A reusable chunk of code that performs a specific task within an application.
Middleware (MI-dul-uér)
Middleware: n. Code that runs between requests and responses in web applications.
Lifecycle (LAIF-saikl)
Ciclo de Vida: n. Stages a component goes through from creation to destruction.
JSX (djei-es-ÉKS)
JSX: n. JavaScript XML, a syntax extension for writing HTML in JavaScript.
Query (KUI-ri)
Consulta: n. A request for data from a database or API.
Mutation (miu-TEI-xan)
Mutação: n. In GraphQL, an operation that changes data on the server.
Schema (SKI-ma)
Esquema: n. A blueprint of a database’s structure or a GraphQL data model.
Bootstrap (BU-strép)
Bootstrap: n. A framework for developing responsive, mobile-first websites.
Responsive (ri-SPON-siv)
Responsivo: adj. Design that adjusts to different screen sizes.
Server (SÊR-ver)
Servidor: n. A computer or system that provides data to other computers.
Client (KLAI-ent)
Cliente: n. The end-user’s device that interacts with a server.
Endpoint (END-point)
Ponto de acesso: n. A URL that allows communication with a server.
Authentication (au-zen-ti-KEI-xan)
Autenticação: n. The process of verifying a user’s identity.
Authorization (au-zo-rai-ZEI-xan)
Autorização: n. Determining a user’s permissions after authentication.
Token (TOU-ken)
Token: n. A digital key used for authentication in secure communication.
Session (SÉ-xan)
Sessão: n. A period during which a user interacts with an application.
Cookie (KU-ki)
Cookie: n. A small piece of data stored on the user’s browser.
Cache (KÉ-sh)
Cache: n. A storage mechanism for temporarily storing data to speed up access.
Latency (LEI-ten-si)
Latência: n. The delay between a request and response in a network.
Load Balancer (LOUD BÉ-len-ser)
Balanceador de Carga: n. A system that distributes incoming requests across multiple servers.