FINAL EXAM Flashcards
Religion is a cultural institution and an instrument for
-satisfying varying needs
-Consisting culturally patterned interaction with superhuman beings
Durkheim defined religion as a
sacred things in relationship to things of the world
Weberian point of view
religion, set of coherent answers to human existential problems which make the world meaningful
Steve Bruce says that
religion is supernatural entities with powers possessed of moral purpose
Animism vs Totemism
belief in spirits or ghosts which may be forces for good or evil vs small scale tribal societies (some believe that plants and animals are powerful)
humans cannot know anything beyond their experience
Rejection of beliefs under scientific thought
Religion has 4 components
Beliefs - conviction by the people who participate in a religion, based on recognition of a supernatural being
Ritual - religious acts such as church
Emotions - feelings evoked during a religious act and emotional connection to your God
Organization - “rules and laws” of members of religion and there are people who are trained ex. Pastors
4 types of organization
-The church
-Sects - smaller less organized usually in opposition to larger denomination
-Cults - organized around mystical beliefs
Religion for Bronislaw Malinowski
Religion is primarily concerned with conditions of emotional stress that threaten social harmony
Religion is a tool for teaching social values
Functionalism and Religion for Herbert Spencer
Reduction of disharmony
Functionalism and Religion for Emile Durkheim
Studied aboriginal Australians and found that religion helped integrate people as a moral whole
Functionalism and Religion for Talcott Parsons
Religion provides general guidelines for life
Conflict Perspective on religion - Karl Marx
Against it
Theorized that religion is an instrument of hegemony, says that it justifies class-based hierarchy
Religion produces an illusion that eases pain and makes suffering bearable
Post modernist perspective of religion
Believe that religion is influenced and shaped by post modern philosophies
Religion is losing its traditional power to impose religious beliefs on people - Spirutual shopping
Feminists and religion
Believe that religion keeps perpetuating social inequality in favor of men
Liberation theology
advocates social justice for the poor
Rooted in the Catholic church in Latin America
Recognize that religion can bring about radical social change
Religion for Otto Maduro
Suggests that religion can play a progressive role in the political struggles of the oppressed
Religion for Max Weber
Studied Protestantism - a belief in a pre-destined elect who would be saved during the second coming of Christ
membership in group is determined by achieving material success which links to capitalism
Disengagement Thesis
People have turned away over time for the church
Impact of science, media and cultural diversity has lowered people who believe
Education as a social institution… (tools, processes and politics)
Influences socialization, social order
Categorization: creates a set of ideas about education and how it can be used to accomplish what is important in society
Tool: Powerful instrument for learning
Schools determine children’s potential social acceptability and social mobility
What demanded a more disciplined and trainable workforce
Industrial Revolution
Egerton Ryerson
promoted school as something that could be universal, free and mandatory
Schechter argued that
state run public education supports social inequality
Provincial school boards established to act as executive bodies
Malacrada identifies 3 ways children of different intellectual abilities were sorted
-Truancy laws, punishing children who didn’t go to class
-Tests and curriculums that standardize expectations of educational success
-“Health” testing conducted via medical examinations
Post WW2
Economic expansions required more education
Human Capital Thesis
Industrial societies invest in schools to to enhance knowledge and skills of their workers
Since the 1970’s
decreases in taxes charged to corporations have contributed to cuts in funding for post-secondary schools
Public Education Models
Assimilation model - education in Canada has historically been based on assimilation to dominant culture. Fails to recognize diversity
Multicultural education - study and celebrates different styles and traditions of cultures
Hidden Curriculum
Schools teach children a lot more than just observed
People who regard hidden curriculum as positive are echoing themes of structural functionalists
Conflict theorists look at hidden curriculum as something that teaches social class and inequality
Discipline is a key part of the
Hidden curriculum
Correspondence principle
the argument that norms and values instilled in school correspond with values of capitalist society (society where workers are compliant and perform tasks effectively)