final Flashcards
Astroturf Movement
A political movement that looks like it’s from ordinary people but is actually supported by wealthy interests or elites.
Groups of companies or institutions that come together around shared concerns, often in the same industry.
Citizens United case
A Supreme Court case in 2010 that allowed corporations and unions to spend unlimited money on elections
Collective Good
Something like public safety or clean air that benefits everyone and is often provided by the government
Contract Lobbyist
A lobbyist who works for a company that’s hired under a contract to lobby the government
Disturbance Theory
idea that an event can cause interest groups to become active
Elite Critique
belief that rich and powerful people have an unfair advantage in politics
When a big group starts to have different needs or goals.
Free Rider Problem
When some people benefit from a group’s work without actually doing anything to help.
Grassroots Movement
political movement that starts from regular people and not from leaders
In-House Lobbyist
Someone who works for a company and lobbies the government for them on the behalf of the company they work for
Iron Triangle
close relationship between lawmakers, interest groups, and government agencies (beauracracy).
Someone who tries to influence the government on behalf of a group or company
Material Incentives
Benefits like money or stuff given to group members to get them to act together.
Someone who thinks all groups’ power depends on the situation