External Factors 1- Material Explanations Flashcards
External Factors 1, Material Explanations- Cooper and Stewart (2013)
Cooper and Stewart (2013)- Poorer children have worse cognitive, socio-behavioural and health outcomes, partially because they are poorer.
External Factors 1, Material Explanations- Waldfogel and Washbrook (2010)
Waldfogel and Washbrook (2010)- children from low income families likely to live in poor accommodation (crowded, dark, unclean, unsafe), making study difficult. Poorer diets+sickness contribute to tiredness and absences, leading to pupils falling behind.
External Factors 1, Material Explanations- Facilities
Poorer parents are less likely to have access to pre-school or nursery facilities. This could slow their child’s development compared to those with access.
External Factors 1, Material Explanations- Resources
Lower income may mean lack of educational books and toys, also, may not be computers or internet access. May also be no money for school trips, sports equipment, calculators, tablets and other hidden cost factors.
External Factors 1, Material Explanations- Hidden Costs of ‘Free’ State Schooling
Hidden costs amounted to £1614 per child each year in 2013. Includes costs of uniform, school trips, class materials, school lunches, charity contributions etc. Some costs voluntary, but parents pressured to pay.
External Factors 1, Material Explanations- Part-Time Work
Students from poorer families are more likely to have part-time jobs, eg paper rounds, babysitting or shop work. Conflict between study and paid work.
External Factors 1, Material Explanations- Schools In Poor Areas
Schools in poorer areas may suffer disadvantages. Schools rely on support from parents for extra resources. Lower class areas can’t raise as much money as middle class.
External Factors 1, Material Explanations- Debt
Financially difficult for parents on a low income to support students. Potential debts from student loans for tuition fees and living costs cause anxiety, may deter people from attending university.
External Factors 1, Material Explanations- Cumulative
Social deprivation builds up, each aspect of deprivation leads to others. Eg, poverty can lead to overcrowding, ill health, and needing part-time work. Each factor exacerbates the problem.
External Factors 1, Material Explanations- Catchment Area
Deprived areas have high unemployment, poverty, juvenile delinquency, crime, and drug abuse.
Poor role models for young people, schools likely have discipline problems, high turnover of teachers.
External Factors 1, Material Explanations, Evidence- Gibson and Asthana (1999)
The greater the level of family disadvantage (parent’s qualifications, unemployment, car or house), smaller percentage of students with 5 or more A*-C GCSEs.
External Factors 1, Material Explanations, Evidence- The National Equality Panel (2010)
Confirmed the link between affluence and attainment, high achievers from advantaged areas, very few from most deprived areas. Lowest achievers from most deprived areas.
External Factors 1, Material Explanations, Evidence- ATL Teacher’s Union Survey (2011)
85% of teachers surveyed believed poverty negatively impacted well-being and attainment of pupils- students lacked confidence, missed extracurriculars, lacked quiet to study at home+computer access.