single, dorsal, from kidneys to above stomach and through liver; enters posterior end of sinus venosus; formed by the confluence oF Efferent Renal veins and Hepatic Veins
Postcaval vein or Posterior Vena Cava
several; medial from each kidney.
Efferent renal veins
two; short, from liver just behind sinus venosus
Hepatic veins
one from each lung; both enter left atrium just anterior to sinus venosus.
Pulmonary Veins
single, inside the linea alba; joins portal vein into right lobe of liver; formed by the union of Pelvic Veins and Vascular Veins.
Abdominal Vein
two; at posterior end of coelom; each as branch from femoral vein
Pelvic veins
two; from urinary bladder.
Vesicular veins
single, veins from the digestive organs (stomach, intestines, and pancreas) and the spleen join to form the hepatic portal vein that parallels the hepatic portal vein that parallels the bile duct and divides within the liver. Blood from the liver (including that from hepatic artery) leaves by the hepatic veins and join the postcaval vein.
Hepatic Portal Vein
A renal portal vein runs laterally along each kidney and gives off several afferent renal veins into that organ. Each renal portal vein (common iliac) is formed from:
Renal Portal System
from anterior side of thigh (called external iliac vein) from origin of pelvic vein to junction of femoral with sciatic vein.
Femoral vein
from posterior side of thigh.
Sciatic vein
several; from abdominal wall; blood from a hind leg thus may return through either the abdominal vein or renal portal vein.
Dorso-lumbar veins
A ___________ is comprised of veins that divide into capillaries within an organ before returning to the heart.
Portal System