Epistomology Test Review Flashcards
What is perception?
- impressions of the world
- how we see the world / an object /a person
What is skepticism?
- David Hume.
- denies the possibility of certain knowledge.
- our assumption of reality of the world is based on custom and habit.
What are innate ideas?
Ideas/knowledge gained from experience.
What is rationalism?
- View that knowledge can arise from reason without aid from the senses.
- I.e. We can learn things without experiencing them through our senses.
What is Descarte’s perspective on knowledge?
-a-priori truths serve as a basis for all knowledge
- geometry + reasoning
- everything could possibly be a dream / an illusion
- mind being perceived by an evil genius or god (if this is true we cannot trust any of our knowledge)
Who was shankura?
- An Indian philosopher
- rationalist
-Believed our knowledge of ultimate reality is not acquired through our senses but through reasoning and meditation.
What is sublation?
The process of correcting an error about reality when contradicted by a different but more correct understanding of knowledge.
Examples of sublation?
- Hallucinations
-Dreams - mirages
- other illusions
What is Jainism and innate ideas?
-An Indian philosophy originating several centuries before Christianity.
- even before our senses perceive an object we already have knowledge of that object in our minds
- our perception of an object serves to uncover the innate knowledge we already have of the object.
-we all carry a knowledge of everything in the universe.
What is empiricism?
- Contrasts rationalism in holding that knowledge arises only from the senses
- we only know what we experience through our senses.
What are primary qualities?
In things we perceive. Ex. Size shape and weight.
What are secondary qualities?
- The subjective aspects of things
- ex. Colours, tastes, smells, sounds, ext.
What is locke’s opinion on knowledge?
- people everywhere have certain ideas in their minds. These ideas must be innate
- the mind is a blank slate on which experience makes its mark.
What is Berkeley’s opinion on knowledge?
- Our ideas originate in sensory experience and that secondary qualities are also ideas within us not external objects.
- primary qualities are also within us they are similar to secondary qualities which are mind dependent and can only exist in the mind.
What is Hume’s opinion on knowledge?
- Knowledge and understanding of the world comes from perceptions that take two forms impressions and ideas
- No true knowledge without corresponding sense impressions
- an idea is something that comes from an impression.