Drafting PLP Flashcards
The Seller must obtain LBC…
The Seller will, on or before the Completion date, obtain a Regularisation certificate to approve the building of…
The Buyer/Seller will obtain planning permission…
Trigger for completion e.g.
10 days after the expiry of any period during which PP can be challenged
The Transferee covenants with the Transferor to observe and perform the covenants contained in item X of the Charges Register of Title Number XXX and to indemnify the Transferor against any liability for any future breach and non-observance.
Vacant possession
The Seller will hand the buyer, on Completion Date, a Declaration Waiver, in the form attached to this contract signed by X and dated at the date of this contract.
Specified Incumbrance
Remember mortgages do not apply! 4.1.2.(d)
The Property is sold subject to the matters contained as referred to items X and Y in the Charges Register of Title Number XXXX
Contents and fixtures
If the Seller (e.g. gets LBC) from X Council, the Seller will remove FIXTURE currently affixed where and make damage any good caused to the property to the reasonable satisfaction of the Buyer.
Insurance and restrictive covenants
The Seller will, before or on the Completion date, ensure that the X referred to in Charges Register of Title number XXX will be put in a good state of repair.
The Seller/Buyer will obtain RC insurance policy in the form attached in relation to the Seller’s past breach of covenent X in Register of Title number XXX and will provide the Butyer with the ORIGINAL POLICY on the COmpletion date.
SCPC 3.2.1 shall not apply.
this is if deposit is 5%
Sale by co-owners
If there is only one TIC, a second trustee will have to be appointed so as to overreach beneficial interest.
Death certificate + Deed of Appointment.
The Buyer will be allowed access to the property between exchange and completion to decorate…
The ground floor is occupied by X under 10 year lease dated X. They will remain in occupation after completion.