What is the only way to reduce your blood alcohol concentration (BAC)?
Allow your body time to get rid of the alcohol
Which is the correct response to seeing emergency vehicles approaching from behind with their lights flashing?
Immediately pull to the curb or edge of the roadway and stop.
You are involved in an accident and your vehicle is blocking traffic. You should:
Move your vehicle off the traveled portion of the roadway, if possible.
You are driving in the left lane and want to move into the right lane. You should:
Check your mirrors, signal, and look over your right shoulder for other vehicles before changing lanes.
When driving near heavy trucks, other drivers and highway users must make allowances for:
The increased stopping distance required by large vehicles
A speed limit is:
The maximum or minimum legal speed you can travel on a road under ideal conditions.
If two drivers arrive at the same time to an open intersection:
The driver on the right has the right-of-way.
*If you arrive to an open intersection at the same time as a vehicle to your right, you should yield the right-of-way to that vehicle. You may then proceed when it is safe to do so.
Your vehicle strikes an unattended parked vehicle and you cannot locate the vehicle’s owner. You:
Must leave a written notice containing your name, your address, and the circumstances of the accident.
If you are driving a car and are 21 years of age or older, you are considered to be driving under the influence if your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is:
0.08 percent or higher.
To change lanes you should:
Signal, check your mirrors, check your blind spot in the direction you plan to move, then change lanes.
Pennant-shaped signs indicate:
No passing zones.
If you are involved in a serious motor vehicle crash:
Call the police.
Determine if anyone is injured.
All of the above.
If an emergency vehicle with flashing lights is traveling in the area where you are driving, you should:
Make every effort to give the emergency vehicle a clear path of travel.
When passing on a multilane highway:
Be sure the passing lane is clear.
If you’re going to turn left onto a one-way street, you should complete the turn into:
The lane closest to your previous lane.
What should you do when you are going to enter a roadway from a private road?
Yield the right-of-way to pedestrians and roadway traffic.