Direct of Pat Wheeler Flashcards
Can you please state your name and address for the court?
My name is Pat Wheeler and I reside at 254 Civics Circle in Bliss, Nirvana.
How old are you?
I am 29 years old.
Is the name Lindsay Gordon familiar to you?
Yes, she was my former boss when I worked at GPS.
Where were you on March 24, 2023?
I was at GPS.
Why were you there?
I was working.
Did you notice anyone else there?
Yes, I noticed Lindsay Gordon and Leslie Neal.
Where did you observe them?
I was standing outside the open door where they were in Gordon’s office.
What were they doing?
Gordon was speaking about the state of the business and the possibility of bankruptcy.
Did you hear what Gordon was saying?
Yes, I did.
What did Gordon say?
I heard Gordon say “I would hate to do anything drastic, if you know what I mean”.
What was Gordon doing when she said that?
She was flicking on and off that cigarette lighter she was always carrying around.
How did you react to this?
OBJECTION: Speculation
The first thing that crossed my mind was that Gordon was going to burn down the business.
What happened after Gordon said this?
Gordon spotted me walking by and fired me on the spot! I think she was scared of what I overheard.
And how did you respond to getting fired that day?
Obviously I was in shock and anger, since I had been such a loyal employee.
Have you spoken to Gordon since being fired?
No, I haven’t spoken to her since being fired.