Comparative Pregnancy Diagnosis Flashcards
What is the goal of pregnancy diagnosis?
Goal is 100% accuracy’ reducing false negative and false positives
What are the different options for diagnosing pregnancy?
Hormonal assays
How do we use behavior as a way to diagnose pregnancy?
Animal fails to return to estrus (Ruminants, Equine, Swine, Feline)
Spitting off (Camelids)
What are the pros and cons of using behavior as a way to diagnose pregnancy?
Observation, non-invasive tool
Not reliable for all animals
Need for teaser males
False positives and negatives
In what species can we use trans-rectal palpation (or palpation per rectum)?
Bovine, equine
In what species can we use trans-abdominal palpation?
Palpation: Canine, feline
Ballottement: Small ruminants, late gestation cattle, camelids
Pros of using palpation for pregnancy diagnosis?
Cost effective, quick, reasonably early for diagnosis
Cons of using palpation for pregnancy diagnosis
Not reliable (skill level and training), user dependent, alone can not determine fetal viability
What are the two ways of using ultrasound/imaging for pregnancy diagnosis?
Trans-rectal & trans-abdominal
What are the pros of using ultrasound for pregnancy diagnosis?
High accuracy
Early in gestation
Determine fetal viability
Advanced techniques (fetal sex determination, gestational aging)
Cons of using ultrasound for pregnancy diagnosis?
Need correct machine for small animal vs large animal
Pros of using hormonal assays?
Easy, cheap, convenient
Cons of using hormonal assays?
No confirmation of viability, false positives (remain positive after parturition or abortion)
What is ballottement?
Diagnosing a pregnancy by feeling for the rebound of the fetus after a quick tab on the wall of the uterus
Why is ballottement not the best method for diagnosing pregnancy?
Not reliable
Accuracy is user dependent
Not determining fetal viability
Not useful in late gestation
Why are radiographs not the best way of diagnosing pregnancy?
Fetus not visible until late in gestation (mineralization)
No determination of fetal viability