clinical skills exam Flashcards
what sounds do you listen for with respiratory auscultation?
rales (crackles) hair rubbing together; pulmonary edema
vesicular (normal breath sounds)
consolidation: excellent medium changing “aaa” to “eee” -egophony
what does rhonchi sound like or suggest?
milk in a straw, gurlging, suggests bronchitis or mucus producing disorder
what does rales/crackles sound like or suggest?
- rubbing strands of hair together near ear; suggests pulmonary edema - fluid in alveolar and interstitial spaces
- separating velcro - pulmonary fibrosis
what does consolidation sound like and suggest?
consolidated lungs are excellent conducting mediums; transfers central sounds to edges. eg breathing in snorkel
- changes “eee” to “aaa” - egophony
what suggests severe, stable emphysema?
produces very little sound in lungs
will fremitus inc or dec over consolidaiton?
fremitus will inc over consolidation
fremiuts will dec over effusion
what does dullness on percussion suggest?
lung consolidation or pleural effusion
what are vessicular breath sounds?
normal tidal volumes
what are wheezes?
air forced thro airways narrowed by bronchoconstriction, secretion or mucosal edema
m/c assoc with asthma or emphysema - processes that affect all lobes of lung
what is stridor?
wheezing heard only on inspiration - mechanical obstruction at level of trachea/upper airway
what does clubbing represent? How do you test it?
fingernails back to back to create widows peak
- result of long term low levels of oxygen (hypoexmia)
- common symptom of
respiratory disease, (lung cancer, cystic fibrosis,)
congenital heart disease (heart defect), gastro intestinal disorders (celiac)