Chapter 8 Flashcards
A recess, usually semicircular, in the wall of a building, commonly found at the east end of a church.
The portion of a basilica flanking the nave and separated from it by a row of columns or piers
A series of arches supported by piers or columns.
Lover of books
Chartreuse / Charterhouse
A Carthusian monastery
The space in a cruciform church formed by the intersection of the nave and the transept.
The disposition of the human figure in which one
part is turned in opposition to another part.
donor portrait
—A portrait of the individual(s) who commissioned
(donated) a religious
donor portrait
A portrait of the individual(s) who commissioned
(donated) a religious work (for example, an altarpiece) as evidence of devotion
A two-paneled painting or altarpiece; also, an ancient Roman, Early Christian, or Byzantine hinged writing tablet, often of ivory and carved on the external side
book of hours
A Christian religious book for private devotion con-
taining prayers to be read at specified times of the day
—The process of incising a design in hard material, often a metal plate (usually copper); also, the print or impression made from such a plate
Painting on lime plaster, either dry (dry fresco, or fresco
secco) or wet
A hemispherical vault; theoretically, an arch rotated on its vertical axis. In Mycenaean architecture, domes are beehive-shaped.
Usually, the front of a building; also, the other sides when they are emphasized architecturally
A monochrome painting done mainly in neutral grays to simulate sculpture
A style or category of art; also, a kind of painting that realistically depicts scenes from everyday life
An association of merchants, craftspersons, or scholars in medieval and Renaissance Europe
an emphasis on education and on expanding knowledge (especially of classical antiquity), the explo- ration of individual potential and a desire to excel, and a commit- ment to civic responsibility and moral duty.
Illuminated manuscript
A luxurious handmade book with painted
illustrations and decorations
he term refers both to the content, or subject, of an artwork and to the study of content in art.