Chapter 6 Test Flashcards
Oculi nostri sine cura non valebunt.
Our eyes will not be well without care.
Sine pecunia tyrannus seuperare populum Romanum non poterit.
Without money the tyrant will not be able to conquer the Roman people.
Non poterant te de poena amicorum tuorum monere.
They were not able to advice you about the punishment of your friends.
Parvus numerus Graecorum ibi remanere poterit.
A small number of Greeks were able to remain there.
Magister pueros sine mora vocabit.
The teacher will call the boys without delay.
Gloria puellarum erat et est et semper erit forma.
The glory of the girls was and is and always will be a model.
Satisne sapientiae habebimus?
Will we have enough of wisdom?
Multi libri antiquo propter sapienti erant magni.
Many old books were great because of wisdom.
Gloria bonorum libororum semper manebit.
The glory of good books will always remain.
Possuntne pecunia otiumque curas vitae superare?
Will money and leisure be able to overcome the anxieties of life?
Therefore, we cannot always see the real vices of a tyrant.
Vera vitia igitur videre semper possumus.
Few men will be able to tolerate an absolute ruler.
Parvi viri tyrannum tolerare poterunt.
We shall always praise the great book of the Greeks.
Magni libri Graecorum semper laudabimus.
Where can glory and (use -que) fame be perpetual?
Ubi gloria famaque perpetuae esse possunt?