Chapter 2: Suffixes Flashcards
Use the root word for linking the two word elements.
Use the combining form for linking the two word elements.
What medical term is formed by combining ‘hemat’ and ‘-emesis’?
hemat/emesis means vomiting blood.
What does ‘hemat/o/logy’ mean?
The study of blood.
Words that contain more than one word root.
What is the meaning of the suffix ‘-itis’?
What does ‘oste/o/arthr/itis’ mean?
Inflammation of the bone and joint.
Pathological suffixes.
What is the meaning of the suffix ‘-centesis’?
Surgical puncture.
What does ‘arthr/o/centesis’ refer to?
Surgical puncture of a joint.
diagnostic suffix.
What are the major types of suffixes that should be learned in categories?
Surgical, Diagnostic, Pathological, Related, and Grammatical suffixes.
What does ‘encephal/o/mening/itis’ mean?
Inflammation of the brain and meninges.
What is the purpose of arthrocentesis?
To remove fluid in a joint for diagnostic purposes and to instill medications.
What does the suffix -clasis mean?
to break; surgical fracture
What is the meaning of the suffix -desis?
binding, fixation (of a bone or joint)
Define the suffix -ectomy.
excision, removal
What does the suffix -lysis indicate?
separation; destruction; loosening
What does the suffix -pexy refer to?
fixation (of an organ)
What is the meaning of the suffix -plasty?
surgical repair
What does the suffix -rrhaphy signify?
What is indicated by the suffix -stomy?
forming an opening (mouth)
What does the suffix -tomy mean?
What is the meaning of the suffix -tripsy?
What is osteoclasis?
surgical fracture of a bone
What is arthrodesis?
binding or fixation of a joint
What does appendectomy refer to?
excision of the appendix
What is thromb/o/lysis?
destruction or separation of a blood clot
What is mastopexy?
fixation of the breasts
What does rhinoplasty entail?
surgical repair of the nose
What is myorrhaphy?
suture of a muscle
What is tracheostomy?
forming an opening into the trachea
What does oste/o/tome refer to?
instrument to cut bone
What is a tracheotomy?
incision of the trachea
What does lithotripsy involve?
crushing a stone
What does the suffix -gram signify?
record, writing
What is the meaning of the suffix -graph?
instrument for recording
Define the suffix -graphy.
process of recording
What does the suffix -scope mean?
instrument for examining
What is endoscopy?
visual examination within
The process of recording electrical activity of the heart is called _______.