Chapter 2 Ace Imtegrates Fitness Trainig Mode Flashcards
Traditional vs contemporary training
Traditional focuses on enhancing ADL ( activities of daily living) via cardio, muscle strength and endurance, and flexibility.
Contemporary allows a more client centers personalized approach increasing adherence to the program.
What is the function-health-fitness-performance continuum
A spectrum which measures human fitness and movement and can regress and progress along this spectrum starting with reestablishing basic movements and extending to advanced movements seen in athletes.
What is the ACE IFT model
Ace integrated fitness model is a comprehensive system for exercise programming that pulls together many training parameters
What are the 2 training components of the ACE IFT model
Cardiorespiratory and muscular training
ACE ABC approach
1 Ask open ended questions
Ask if client enjoys and physical activities
Ask what client hopes to accomplish
2 Break down barriers
Ask more questions to discover potential barriers like “what do you need to START doing now to move closer to your goals?” And “what do you need to STOP doing to help you reach your goals?”
3 Collaborate
Set SMART goals with client and allow them to monitor and measure progress
What are the 3 phases of cardiorespiratory training in the ACE IFT model ?
What is the purpose of BASE training as part of the cardiorespiratory training portion of the ACE IFT model
BASE training helps clients to develop an initial ‘base’ of aerobic fitness for inactive clients. Inactive is defined by base training as someone who is not doing at least 20 minutes of exercise on at least 3 days/week.
What is the purpose of FITNESS training as part of the cardiorespiratory training portion of the ACE IFT model
to enhance the client’s aerobic efficiency by progressing through the program with increased duration and frequency of sessions as well as the exercise performed at and above VT1 (first ventilatory threshold)
What is the purpose of PERFORMANCE training as part of the cardiorespiratory training portion of the ACE IFT model
for clients who wish to focus on success in endurance sports and events. involves designing programs that include periodized training plans focused on distance, recovery, speed, power, etc
What is the purpose of the muscular training aspect of the ACE IFT model
To help clients improve postural stability and kinetic chain mobility, then progress toward increasing general fitness, strength, bodybuilding and athletic performance
What is the purpose of Functional training as part of the muscular training portion of the ACE IFT model
(re)establishing postural stability and kinetic chain mobility through the introduction of exercise programs. Will primarily use body weight resistance at first
What is the purpose of movement training as part of the muscular training portion of the ACE IFT model
Focuses on helping clients develop good movement patterns without compromising postural or joint stability. the 5 movement patterns to develop are
1. Bend-and-lift movements.
2. single-leg movements
3. pushing
4. pulling
5. rotational
What is the purpose of Load/Speed training as part of the muscular training portion of the ACE IFT model
Broad focus on applying external loads to movements resulting in muscular adaptations. Goals for clients include muscle hypertrophy, body comp changes, speed, agility, quickness, and power.
What are some ways in which external loads can be added to movements?
Resistance training, HIIT, speed work, plyometrics, powerlifting, and sport-specific resistance.