Ch 14 (EXAM 5) Flashcards
Physical, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral responses to events that are appraised as threatening or challenging
Any circumstances that threaten or challenge well-being or taxes your resources
Coping response
Attempt to avoid, escape from, or minimize the stressor
Stress caused by negative events
i.e. death of family member
Stress caused by positive events
i.e. party preparations/deciding on what to eat
Way of judging stressors, two types:
Primary Appraisal
Secondary Appraisal
Primary appraisal
Judging potential harm of event
threat vs. challenge
Is it a threat?
Secondary appraisal
Judging your options/abilities for coping
Low threat vs. high threat
How big of a threat is it?
Major life stressors
Changes or disruptions that strain central area of people’s lives
May be due to personal choice or uncontrollable catastrophic events
Measured via:
Homes and Rahe’s Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS)
43 life events given point values, where the higher point value means more stressful event
ICSRLE measures SRRS
Higher SRRS scores correlated with higher rates of mental health problems and physical illness due to immunity compromises
Examples of SRRS Life events
- Death of a spouse
- Divorce
- Marital separation
- Jail term
- Death of a close family
- Personal injury/illness
- Marriage
- Fired at work
- Marital reconciliation
- Retirement
Daily hassles
Minor irritations and annoyances of everyday life
Experiencing more intense and frequent hassles is more poorer mental and physical health
Number of daily hassles more impact on stress-related issues than number of major life stressors
Top 10 Hassles of Undergraduates
- Troubling thoughts about the future
- Not enough sleep
- Wasting time
- Inconsiderate smokers
- Physical appearances
- Too many things to do
- Misplacing/losing things
- Not enough time to do things
- High expectations
- Being lonely
Selye (1930)
Physical response to stress is nonspecific and general
Came up with the General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS)
General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS)
Stress response system of body that defends then fatigues
Describes body’s reaction to stress as consisting of 3 stages:
A. Alarm
R. Resistance
E. Exhaustion