Capital Flashcards
What is the purpose of capital?
Absorb losses, prompt public confidence, restrict excessive asset growth, protect depositors and DIF
Why is the capital review of an exam important?
Protects the DIF and is the first line of defense after earnings
What is the goal of Basel III?
Designed to strengthen quality and quantity of bank capital
Promote industry strength and help create resilience to economic stress
Why is CET1 the predominant form of capital?
Most loss absorbing, permanent, places shareholder funds at risk in event of insolvency
What is an advanced approach institution?
Consolidated assets of $250B or more
On-bal foreign exposure of $10B or more
Subsidiary of an advanced approach institution
Elects to use advanced approach
What are the 3 types of capital?
CET1, additional T1, T2
What’s in CET1?
Common stock Surplus LESS: treasury stock + unearned ESOP shares Retained earnings AOCI Qualifying CET1 minority interests Applicable adjustments and deductions
What’s in additional T1 capital?
Noncumulative perpetual preferred stock
Bank issued SBLF and TARP instruments previously qualified as T1
Qualifying T1 minority instruments
LESS: certain investments in other unconsolidated financial institution’s instruments that qualify as T1
What’s in Tier 2 capital?
ALLL up to 1.25% of RWA
Qualifying preferred stock
Subordinated debt
Qualifying T2 minority interests
LESS: deductions from T2 instruments of an unconsolidated subsidiary
IF OPT-OUT: 45% of pretax net unrealized gains on AFS preferred stock equity securities and AFS equity exposures
What are the full deductions from CET1?
DTAs form NOLs and tax credit carryforwards
Other intangibles (non-MSAs)
Gains on sale of securitization exposures
Adjustments for unrealized g/l on certain CF hedges
What is the deduction that occurs after the full deductions, but before the threshold deductions?
Non-significant investment in unconsolidated financial institutions CET1 instruments - aggregate 10% deduction
What are the threshold deductions from CET1?
DTAs related to temp timing differences that could not be realized through NOLs
Significant investments in another unconsolidated financial institutions common stock
What is a significant investment in an unconsolidated financial institution?
Significant = 10% control of issued and outstanding COMMON SHARES
What are the individual and aggregate CET1 thresholds?
Individual – 10%, Aggregate 15%
What do you multiply CET1 (after full deductions and non-significant investment deduction) by to get the aggregate threshold (15%) amount?
How do you calculate CET1 $ amount used for the 15% threshold?
CET1 (after full deductions and non-significant investment deduction) LESS aggregate amount of threshold deductions (DO NOT deduct the 10% deductions from the aggregate amount)
How do you calculate leverage ratio assets?
Average total consolidated assets LESS CET1 deductions
How do you calculate CET1 ratio?
CET 1 Capital / RWA
How do you calculate T1C ratio?
How do you calculate TC ratio?
How do you calculate T1 Leverage Capital ratio?
T1 / leverage ratio assets
What is the RW for any threshold deduction items that remain in capital?
What is HVCRE and what is RW?
Subset of ADC loans
What are HVCRE exclusions?
• 1-4 fam residential ADC projects
• Agricultural properties
• Community development projects
• ADC Projects where:
o LTV at or below supervisory maximums AND
o Borrower contributed at last 15% of as-completed value in cash/unencumbered marketable securities AND
o Contributed capital is contractually required to remain throughout project life
What are PD/NA asset RWs?
150% - does not apply to 1-4 fam RE or loan balances with eligible guarantees or collateral where RW can vary
What is a securitization?
An instrument or exposure where credit risk is tranched
What are the three ways to RW securitizations?
1250% (dollar-for-dollar), SSFA, Gross-up
What is the premise of the Gross-up approach?
Weighted avg of underlying exposure RWs
What is the premise of the Simplified Supervisory Formula Approach (SSFA) approach?
Risk sensitive and forward looking
Assigns lower RW to more senior-class tranches/securities and higher RW to support tranches
Minimum RW of 20%
What are due diligence requirements for securitizations?
Commensurate with risk,
mgmt. Must understand the securitization,
pre-purchase with qtrly monitoring thereafter
must consider structural features and performance features
If mgmt. does not fully understand a securitization, what RW can be required by regulators?
1250% (dollar-for-dollar) capital
What are the equity investment RWs?
0% FRB stock