Angličtina Siemens Flashcards
na začiatku júla
at the beginning of July
predchádzajúce generácie
former generations
Argumentovali sme o tom
We were arguing about it.
odovzdali sme to
we turned it in
posilňovala som vo fitku
I was working out at the fitness center
vstúpiť do kancelárie
walk into the office
práve som na teba myslela
I was just thinking about you.
naraziť - narazil - narazil
strike - struck - struck/stricken
pár obchodníkov vyjednávalo cenu
a couple of merchants were busily bargaining
zháňať suveníry
hunt for souvenirs
ostala zakliesnená (uväznená) na treťom poschodí
she was trapped on the third floor
zvonček na dverách
v divadle
at the theatre
new (povolania s neurčitým členom)
The news about Beckham was interesting.
images that are harmful to them
a few (používa sa aj s mn.č.)
málo vajec
few eggs
Mal som raňajky
I had breakfast
Any ideas?
Anything else?
breed - bred - bred
svorka psov
pack of dogs
vodítko na psa
obytné domy, paneláky
block of flats
Pustila som ho dnu.
I let him in.
na začiatku
at the beginning
Počula som ho štekať.
I heard him barking.
od začiatku
since the beginning
zatiahnuť závesy
draw the curtains
Som hore od 6tej.
I have been up since 6 o’clock / 6 am.