What is Radiodense or Radiopaque
Light or white area on the radiograph (due to presence of dense objects in paths of photons - strong absorbers, e.g. metal replacement
What is Radiolucent
Dark or black area on the radiograph (due to maximum number of photons passing through the object (e.g. air)
What is a contrast
The degree of difference between adjacent densities
What is a density
The degree of darkening of an exposed radiograph; density is dependent on amount of radiation received;
white areas = no density;
black areas = maximum density
Search pattern: ABCDS
A - Articulation, (alignment);
B - Bone ;
C - Cartilage;
D - Distribution;
S - Soft tissue
Example in articulation search pattern
Example of Bone search pattern
Productive changes - osteophyte formation, spur formation, chondrocalcinosis ect.
Diminished bone density - osteoporosis, osteolysis, cyst formation
Example in Cartilage search pattern
Joint space narrowing
Example in distribution search pattern
Symmetric vs. Asymmetric;
Proximal vs. peripheral (small or large joints);
monoarticular vs. polyarticular
Example in Soft Tissue search pattern
deformity, swelling masses
What are types of articular erosions
Marginal erosions;
Subchondral erosions;
Gullwing deformity;
Pencil-in-cup deformity;
Periarticular/juxtaarticular erosions
Describe Marginal erosions
In Rheumatoid arthritis (typically seen)
Occur at the bare area of the joint - where the bone is not covered by articular cartilage;
RA - MCP joints (metacarpophalangeal) &
Psoriatic Arthritis of DIP (distal interphalangeal joint)
Describe Subchondral erosions
Occur at the subchondral bone plate of the articular surfaces;
Typical feature of erosive osteoarthritis
Describe Gullwing deformity
In Erosive Osteoarthritis (OA);
It is the combination of central erosions and osteophytes
Describe Pencil-in-cup deformity
In Psoriatic arthritis;
It is the combination of marginal erosions and bone proliferation