14th Century II Quiz Flashcards
How did Giotto show the emotion in the piece above?
He showed real human suffering rather than symbolism
Although there is no way of knowing with certainty, who is believed to have painted Triumph of Death, seen above?
Which of the following buildings holds the Giotto fresco seen below?
Scrovegni Chapel
Which of Giotto’s accomplishments are highlighted in the image above?
His depth in a landscape, and his ability to model forms with color
Who is the artist of the image below?
How did Giotto (right image) depict space differently than Cimabue?
He used the play of light and shadow across these figures to create a sense that they are 3-dimensional beings in real space.
What images are featured on the rectangular panels along the sides of the image above?
The story of Mary and Jesus
What is depicted in the Triumph of Death, seen above?
A panoramic landscape of death
Which of the following best describes the themes in Giotto’s work?
Traditional religious subjects
What is the title of the piece above?