01- (TCEPP) Introductory Microbiology and Susceptibility Testing (Exam #1) Flashcards
Organisms without a true nucleus
Size: 0.5-5 µm
Organisms with a true nucleus
Size: >10 µm
(Fungi, Parasites)
Facultative Anaerobes
Grow equally well aerobically and anaerobically
A condition in which microorganisms grow with oxygen.
A condition in which microorganisms grow without oxygen
Enteric pathogen
Microorganisms in the gastrointestinal tract that cause disease.
Normal flora
Microorganisms that normally live in various areas of the human body.
Facultative anaerobe
Microorganisms that grow equally well aerobically and anaerobically
BT (Bioterrorism)
The deliberate release of viruses, bacteria or other germs (agents) used to cause illness or death in people, animals, or plants.
Nosocomial Infection
An infection acquired in a health care setting
An anatomical feature that allows most bacteria to become motile.
Bacteria that have a single flagellum (e.g., Vibrio cholerae)
Bacteria that have multiple flagella located at the same spot on the bacterial surfaces which act in concert to drive the bacteria in a single direction. (e.g., H. pylori, Pseudomonas putida)
Bacteria that have a single flagellum on each of two opposite ends (only one flagellum operates at a time, allowing the bacterium to reverse course rapidly by switching which flagellum is active). (e.g., Campylobacter jejuni)
Bacteria that have flagella projecting in all directions (e.g., E. coli)
What type of stain is the Gram Stain?
-A Differential stain placing most bacteria into 2 groups- gram-positive and gram-negative.
Explain the Heat Fixation Method
To heat fix, you can pass the slide quickly through a flame 2 to 3 times or by placing the slide on a slide warmer at 65ºC for 10 minutes. Allow the slide to cool to room temperature.
Explain the Methanol Fixation Method
- Methanol fixation can be performed by applying methanol to the air dried slide for 1 minute, draining off excess by tilting the slide, then allowing it to completely air-dry
* Methanol fixation is the preferred method, as it does not create aerosols and has fewer changes in cellular morphology.
Important Reminders about fixation of slides
- Allow the smear to air dry completely before fixing with heat or methanol.
- Heat fixing before the smear has completely air dried can cause aerosolization and/or cell breakage, causing the cells to appear distorted after staining.
- Methanol fixing the smear before it is completely dry, can cause the specimen to wash off the slide.
- Excessive heating can crack the microscope slide and/or rupture the cells of the specimen.
- Fixing the smear kills the organisms and causes the cells to adhere to the microscope slide so they do not wash off during the staining process
Differential Stain
A staining technique that allows the distinct visual difference between organism structures or components. For example, Gram positive bacteria stain dark purple and Gram negative bacteria stain red to pink.
Explain the difference between Gram-Positive and Gram-Negative Bacteria
- Due to the difference in the cell wall structure of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, they will retain the Gram stain differently.
- Gram-positive bacteria have cell walls with a thick layer of peptidoglycan, allowing them to retain the primary stain. The primary stain, crystal violet, will cause Gram-positive bacteria to stain purple in color.
- In contrast, Gram-negative bacteria have cell walls with a thin layer of peptidoglycan and high lipid content. These bacteria stain pink because crystal violet is not retained through the decolorization step.
Explain The Gram Staining Process
- Apply the primary stain, crystal violet, to a fixed smear
- Add mordant, Gram’s Iodine
- Decolorize primary stain using decolorizer
- Counterstain using safranin
Primary Stain (step #1)
- The first reagent of the Gram stain is crystal violet. It is an alkaline dye and the first stain applied to a fixed smear.
- During this step, the crystal violet dye is binding to the cell wall of the bacteria.
- If you look at the slide under a microscope at this point, the smear will be purple and all cells will be stained purple.
Mordant (step #2)
- Gram’s iodine (depending on the kit, this may be called by a different name) is the second reagent used when performing a Gram stain. This is known as the mordant.
- During this step, the iodine binds with the crystal violet to form a crystal violet-iodine, insoluble, complex that binds to the peptidoglycan layer of the bacterial cells.
- After this step, if you look at the slide under a microscope, the smear and all cells will still be purple.
Decolorizer (step # 3)
- Decolorizer is the third reagent used in the Gram stain procedure. An acetone–alcohol mixture or pure alcohol can be used to perform this step.
- During this step, the decolorizer removes the lipid membrane from Gram negative cells. This results in leaching of the crystal violet–iodine complex, leaving the Gram-negative cells colorless. Gram-positive cells will retain the primary stain; remaining purple in color.
- This step is the most crucial because cells can easily become under–decolorized, if the decolorizer is not left on long enough; or over–decolorized if the decolorizer is left on too long.
- At this stage the smear may appear colorless, but under a microscope the Gram-positive cells will be purple and the Gram-negative cells will be colorless.
Counterstain (Step # 4)
- The fourth and final reagent of the Gram stain is safranin. Safranin is used as a counterstain.
- During this step, the counterstain will stain the colorless cells of Gram-negative bacteria, pink. If you do not add the counterstain, the Gram-negative cells will remain colorless.
- Looking at this slide under a microscope, the Gram-positive cells will be dark purple and the Gram-negative cells will be red to pink in color.
Results and Interpretation of Gram Stain
- Gram-positive cells will appear dark purple, after the Gram stain procedure, due to retaining the crystal violet–iodine complex within the thick peptidoglycan layer.
- Gram-negative cells will appear red to pink, after the Gram stain procedure, due to the crystal violet–iodine complex leaching out during the decolorization process; then being counterstained with safranin.
What are some reasons for Gram Variable Results?
Some bacteria can produce Gram variable results, in which there will be both Gram-positive and negative cells.
Gram variable outcomes may also be a result of:
- An uneven direct smear
- A direct smear made from an older culture
- Damaged cell walls
- Under–decolorization
- Over–decolorization
What are some Common Problems with the Gram Stain?
- The quality of your smear preparation will directly affect the quality of your Gram stain. For example, smears that are too thick can lead to erroneous Gram stain results because the cells are clumped together.
- Under decolorizing your smear can cause Gram-negative cells to retain the crystal violet-iodine complex. This will cause the cells to appear purple instead of pink.
- Over decolorization can occur if you leave the decolorizer on the slide too long. This will result in Gram-positive bacteria losing the crystal violet–iodine complex, therefore staining pink as seen in the picture to the right.
When is the gram stain performed?
It is routinely performed on certain specimen types, especially those collected from normally sterile sites.
Why is the gram stain important or helpful?
Gram stain morphology can guide species identification
What type of organisms have a thick peptidoglycan layer in their cell wall and retain the purple crystal violet/iodine complex during the decolorizer step?
Gram positive organisms
What type of organisms have a thin peptidoglycan cell wall with lipopolysaccaharide outer membranes and lose the crystal violet/iodine complex during the decolorization step and are visualized using the red safranin counterstain?
Gram negative organisms
Gram stain morphology
Staphylococcus aureus
Gram positive cocci in clusters (grape-like)
Gram stain morphology
Micrococcus spp.
Large Gram-positive cocci in clusters and tight packets of tetrads
Gram stain morphology
Enterococcus faecalis
Gram-positive cocci, often oval form diplococci and short chains
Gram stain morphology
Streptococcus pneumoniae
- Gram-positive cocci in pairs
- Lancet forms with pointed ends
Gram stain morphology
Aerococcus spp.
Gram-positive cocci in singles and clusters
Gram stain morphology
Corynebacterium spp.
- Gram positive bacilli, “diphtheroid-like”
- Often arranged in V forms or pallisades
- Chinese letter appearing
Gram stain morphology
Bacillus spp
- GPB with blunt ends (boxy)
- Tendancy to form long chains, w/ or w/o spores, can be GVB
Gram stain morphology
Clostridium perfringens
- Straight anaerobic gram positive bacilli with blunt ends.
- Able to form capsules
- Spores are rarely seen (subterminal)
Gram stain morphology
Listeria monocytogenes
Small gram positive rods often coccobacilli
Gram stain morphology
Lactobacillus spp.
Straight gram positive rods, often in chains
Gram stain morphology
Streptococcus pyogenes
Gram positive cocci in chains
Gram stain morphology
Neisseria species
Gram negative cocci that typically appear in pairs with opposing sides flattened “kidney bean or hamburger bun” appearance
Gram stain morphology
Moraxella catarrhalis
Gram negative diplococci (kidney bean/hambuger bun)
Gram stain morphology
Escherichia coli
Gram negative bacilli
Gram stain morphology
Klebsiella pneumoniae
- Gram-negative bacilli (short, chunky, blunt ends)
- Has the ability to form capsules
Gram stain morphology
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Gram-negative bacilli (thin, small)
Gram stain morphology
Acinetobacter baumannii complex
Gram-negative coccobacilli (plump)
Gram stain morphology
Pasteurella multocida
Tiny Gram-negative coccobacilli, bipolar staining may be present
Gram stain morphology
Haemophilus influenzae
Gram-negative bacilli / coccobacilli pleomorphic, strand forms
Gram stain morphology
Campylobacter jejuni
**Small Gram-negative spiral-shaped, sea gulls
Gram stain morphology
Yersinia pestis
- Gram negative short rods or coccobacilli
- Tend to retain staining at the end of the cells (bipolar staining)
- “Safety pin” appearance
Quantitative Isolation or Streaking
Primarily used for urine cultures. Plates are inoculated using a calibrated loop to deliver a specified volume. The urine is mixed well, and the calibrated loop (0.01 or 0.001 mL) is vertically inserted into the urine and transferred to the culture medium by making a single streak down the center of the plate. Without flaming, the loop is streaked back and forth through the original inoculum.
The number of colonies that grow are multiplied by the dilution factor. (eg, if 0.001mL loop is used, 35 colonies would translate into 35,000 colony forming units. (CFU/mL)
Semi-quantitative or Isolation Streaking
The general-purpose isolation streak is useful for most specimens. The relative number of organisms can be estimated based on the extent of growth beyond the original area of inoculum. Growth in the first quadrant can be graded as 1 +, or light growth; growth in the second or third quadrant can be graded as 2 + to 3 +, or moderate growth; and growth in the third or fourth quadrant can be graded as 4 +, or heavy growth. Also Rare, Few, Moderate or Many Growth.
Nonselective media
Adequately supports the growth of most microorganism. (eg, trypticase soy agar)
Enriched media
Growth enhancers such as 5% sheep blood or vitamins are added to nonselective media (eg, 5% sheep blood agar, chocolate agar)
Differential media
•Employs factor(s) which allows colonies to demonstrate metabolic characteristics to distinguish them from others
Example: MacConkey agar (MAC) which differentiate gram-negative bacilli that can ferment lactose from those that do not ferment lactose.
Some media can have characteristics that would allow them to be classified as enriched AND differential or selective AND differential.