Brainscape's mission is to optimize your study efficiency, and after years of careful analysis, code manipulations, and bubbling chemistry tubes, we're proud to announce the latest and raddest evolution of our flashcard repetition algorithm!
A lot of the "good stuff" happens beneath the surface but the biggest change you might notice is that some cards don't repeat as often as they did before (provided there are still new cards to be seen). This allows you to progress through more cards quicker before you start seeing older concepts again, while still repeating the lower confidence cards as needed.
As a rule of thumb, you can think of the flashcard confidence buttons as conveying the following repetition intervals (when you can expect to see them again):
- 1 - a few minutes
- 2 - ten+ minutes
- 3 - hours
- 4 - days
- 5 - weeks or months
So be sure to only rate a card a 5 if you're VERY confident you'll never forget the concept it shows you! You can learn more about Brainscape's uber efficient new algorithm here.
And in other news this November 2023...
New certified class you should know about: Conversation starters

If you’re dreading the same boring conversations and political debates this festive season, download Brainscape’s new Conversation Starter flashcards. This collection contains a glorious spectrum of intriguing questions from those that spark casual discussion: “Do you have a secret talent?” and “What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten?” to those that reveal the hilarious, sometimes embarrassing, and pretty awesome stories we all harbor: “Who in the room can swear in the most languages?” and “Have you ever seen a ghost or UFO?”.
Great content we love…
(Hilarious) social media post: When your classmate makes an edit suggestion to your flashcards…
Academy article: The art of ice-breaking: How to start conversations with strangers, friends & colleagues
A cool Brainscape story...

Those who love Brainscape’s MBE flashcards, bar prep podcast and YouTube channel know that we offer excellent study resources for law students. Well, in a love story befitting a Jane Austin novel, for almost five years now, we have been in partnership with the Ave Maria Law School in Florida, generously slathering their students with the “secret sauce” to crush their law studies and the dreaded bar exam.
It all started in 2019… [Sad violin music]
“As a school, we tried every recommended option to help our students improve, including bar passage supplemental packages after graduation, study aids, guest lectures, and active workshops for eight weeks before the exam,” says Ulysses Jaen, Director of the Law Library & Professor at Ave Maria Law School. “Despite our best efforts, students struggle with recollection and comprehension of the most difficult rules and doctrines.”
[Transition to upbeat music]
Then, one fateful day, Ulysses Jaen discovered Brainscape and incorporated it into the school’s learning: “Students who use Brainscape’s spaced repetition system improve their learning, understanding and recollection of the legal materials during testing”.
We love you too, Professor Ulysses!
The rest, as they say, is history.
(Get in touch if you’d like to learn more about licensing deals for your school, college, group, or company.)
Wanna play? Join the Brainscape challenge game!
We’re throwin’ down a suite of challenges and we want you to play cos there’s nothing like a little friendly competition to keep you motivated to study. So, check out the #challenge-list in Discord, and start taking on our challenges, one-by-one. Can you achieve a daily study streak of 90 days on Brainscape? Or how about studying 50,000 flashcards?
Of course you can! And maybe you already have. If so, head on over to the #challenge-submission channel and start gathering serious community cred, which is like “street cred” but less likely to get you in trouble with the law.
(If you’re not yet a member of the Brainscape Community, go ahead and join today so you can play too.)
Coming soon…
- New flashcard collection for wine lovers: WSET Diploma Module 3 (D3) Wines of the World
- Easier, faster flashcard creation using AI
- Personalized Academy articles suggestions based on what you’re studying, available in the app
- More detailed learning stats (app): to better understand your study behaviors and trends
- Earn achievements to keep you more motivated