Brainscape is more than pleased with our expanded partnership with Knopman Marks Financial Training, and our web and mobile Securities Industry Essentials (SIE) Exam Flashcards. These are the most comprehensive, trustworthy, and effective set of flashcards available for this new exam, while being optimized for fast learning using Brainscape’s unique Confidence-Based Repetition learning system.
[Check out our Adaptive Mobile SIE Exam Flashcards]
As you may know, Knopman Marks is a leader in FINRA exam training, with the highest pass rates on the industry. They focus on providing premium content and we are excited to be able to offer their SIE Exam flashcards to Brainscape users.

The SIE Exam, an exam for those interested in having a career in financial services, serves as the first step to becoming fully licensed.
The SIE Exam focuses on four fundamental criteria:
- Knowledge of Capital Markets
- Understanding Products and Their Risks
- Understanding Trading, Customer Accounts and Prohibited Activities
- Overview of Regulatory Framework
SIE Exam Details:
- Length of Exam: 75 multiple choice questions (plus 10 ungraded experimental questions)
- Time Allotted: 1 hour and 45 minutes
- Passing Score: yet to be announced
Want to study for the SIE? Use flashcards. Flashcards have been shown to be among the most effective study tools out there for exams like the SIE. Our collection of SIE Exam flashcards will help you efficiently learn—and actually remember—everything you need to know to ace this exam.
[Check out our new SIE prep flashcards to get started.]
Do you want a full SIE Exam training package? Knopman Marks offers a 17-hour online SIE course for those of you looking for more structure and instruction. This course covers everything you need to know to pass the exam.
Whatever tools you're using to study, we wish you the best of luck on the exam and on your career in Finance!