11 natural Ritalin and Adderall alternatives to supercharge focus
You need to focus, but skip the Adderall. We've got you covered with this list of the best natural alternatives to drugs to keep you fully concentrated.
You're not the only one. Besides the people struggling with a legitimate ADHD diagnosis, lots of us simply have trouble sitting at our desk and staying focused. And with all the distractions of the digital world, it's not hard to see why.
Adderall and Ritalin are the most common medications prescribed to combat the symptoms of ADHD. [See our tips on How to study with ADHD.] But lots of people without an ADHD diagnosis also use these substances (not-so-legally) to do better in school or college.
If you struggle to focus, you too might be tempted to try them. But here's the thing: there are so many Ritalin and Adderall alternatives that can be just as effective at supercharging your focus and committment to your studies. And it's way better to try them first before pounding back pharmaceuticals!
Adderall alternatives: natural remedies for ADHD and increasing focus
There a ton of natural Adderall alternatives that can help manage ADHD and enable focus.
Now, obviously, natural alternatives may not be as effective at treating ADHD as a drug like Adderall, but by the same token, they won't have the same (or any) side-effects or long-term effects, one of which is, ironically, an inability to concentrate.
So skip the Adderall or Ritalin, if you can and consider one (or a combination of) these 11 best Ritalin and Adderall alternatives for boosting focus.
1. Transcendental meditation
Research has consistently found that meditation can significantly improve the side-effects of ADHD, while increasing focus. In one study, participants who engaged in regular transcendental meditation for three months had greatly reduced symptoms of ADHD. They also reported feeling less stress, hyperactivity, and anxiety. The researchers suggest that meditation can increase activity in parts of the brain that are responsible for the same things you need to study: learning, focus, and memory.
The take-away: Consistently engaging in meditation can help you manage ADHD and achieve greater focus more easily.
2. Aerobic (cardiovascular) exercise
Exercise is a great (and natural) Adderall alternative.
Exercise has a ton of great learning benefits; it's one of the essential complements to an effective study schedule and to excelling in school. But it can also help you focus. Exercise has been used in severalstudies of children as a non-pharmacological way to manage symptoms of ADHD. The results are promising: it seems that exercise (aerobic in particular), could be an effective Adderall alternative for managing ADHD. In fact, a systematic review of its use suggests that exercise is a beneficial treatment for people who suffer from ADHD.
The take-away: build regular moderate to intense exercise sessions into your routine.
3. Omega fatty acids
Symptoms of ADHD may be improved or made worse by diet. For instance, someresearch has found that people who take supplements for Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids experienced improved control of ADHD symptoms. In the study, the supplements were taken daily and symptoms improved after a few months; still, this suggests that consistent supplementation of polyunsaturated fatty acids can help those with ADHD.
The take-away: speak to your doctor about introducing Omega fatty acid supplements to your diet.
Interlude: use more effective study methods to improve focus