If your kids or students would rather eat a mountain of brussel sprouts than learn their multiplication tables, we have a brand new collection that’ll change everything for your math-resistant rebels…

Brainscape has officially launched these awesome multiplication tables flashcards, which kids of all ages—and even adults!—can use to drill themselves on their sums, from those required of all school students (1 to 12) to the higher tables of 13 to 25.

Because flashcards are the perfect vehicle for spaced repetition—and other key learning tactics like active recall, metacognition, and interleaving practice—they’ve proven exceptionally effective for learning multiplication table sums, empowering learners to achieve mastery in half the time it would usually take them. (Flashcards are also so much more engaging and motivating to use than staring at a sheet of paper or writing out those sums over and over again!)

Here’s one helpful tip on using these flashcards as efficiently as possible, taken from our guide ‘How to memorize multiplication tables FAST’ (make sure you give that a read):

In Brainscape, once you’ve added the Multiplication Tables flashcards to your dashboard, you’ll see all the decks laid out from 1 through 13, for school; and from 14 through 25, for students who are motivated to REALLY improve their dexterity with numbers, perhaps because they have lofty ambitions of working in science or engineering one day.

To curate which tables Brainscape quizzes your kids or students on, simply check the circles to the left-hand side of the decks from 1 through 12. Anything you haven’t checked won’t be included when you hit the blue ‘study button’.

Flashcards to memorize multiplication tables

You might go that little bit further by unchecking the decks for the multiplication tables of 1 and 10 because those might be a little too easy for their level. Or not! It’s totally up to you to curate the study experience your kids or students need.

Finally, don’t miss out on Brainscape’s free, high resolution multiplication tables print-outs, which you can stick above your kids’ desks, in their books, or even on the walls of their bedrooms or classrooms.

Armed with Brainscape’s Multiplication Tables flashcards and the other resources we’ve put together for you, your kids will have the high-octane fuel they need to rocket right past their peers and rise to their challenge!