Brainscape is a powerful study tool for the fast, efficient learning and retention of knowledge-heavy content, from law and veterinary science to language and flight protocols. Here's how other educators and students use Brainscape to rise to their challenge!
Law students use Brainscape to study and retain the law content required to pass the bar exam
From Ulysses N. Jaen (J.D. , M.P.A., M.I.L.S.), Director & Professor at Veterans Memorial Law Library:
"Our law school is focused on our students’ success and we are measured by the results of their performance on the most standardized test given to legal professionals in the United States, the dreaded Bar exam. Our students are bright and eager to start their profession, but being able to perform well on the exam is the barrier between them and a better life.
"As a school, we have tried every recommended option to help our students improve. These efforts include bar passage supplemental packages after graduation, study aids, guest lectures, and active workshops for eight weeks before the exam. We learned about the positive effects of good nutrition, sleep, and exercise and we promote it every way we can. Despite our best efforts, students struggle with recollection and comprehension of the most difficult rules and doctrines.
"This is when we researched more in-depth about the benefits of spaced repetition as a tool for learning and memorizing. The results are noticeable. Students who use Brainscape’s spaced repetition system improve their learning, understanding, and recollection of the legal materials during testing. We had to go back to the basics of how learning works in our human minds to help our students achieve their self-fulfillment goals. Brainscape has been a good partner for us to work with in helping our students learn how to learn best."
Easy Flight's powered parachute students are using Brainscape to efficiently prep for their knowledge and practical tests
(Tap the video below to watch.)

Primary school teachers use Brainscape to improve their students' knowledge retention
From Peter Richardson, Deputy Headteacher & Curriculum Lead at a Primary School
"Brainscape is so flexible. Its flashcard system goes far beyond multiple-choice retrieval apps. We believe in basing our teaching and learning on cognitive science evidence and so does Brainscape. With its unique and intelligent spacing algorithm, our teachers and students can fully focus on the act of retrieval. Coupling Brainscape's flexibility and spaced algorithm with its integrated metacognition can be truly transformative for learning. It has quickly become an indispensable tool for all our teachers and students."
Veterinary professionals use Brainscape to keep their knowledge sharp for ongoing certifications
From Christine Shupe, CAE Executive Director, Veterinary Hospital Managers Association:
"A couple of weeks back, our guest speaker for the study session requested feedback regarding the Brainscape flashcards. I have got to tell you, I love them. It allows me to create my cards which is fantastic. It also allows me to study on the fly when I have a few minutes with the app on my phone. It is just one more dimension available for me to consume and absorb the wealth of information needed to pass the test."
And here's what other professionals in Christine's organization had to say:
"Great way to study at tip of fingers."
"It's convenient: easier than carrying around the stacks of flash cards. I like that they were another tool for studying."
"Easy to do in a small period of time."
"Kept you moving and I liked being able to reset them."
"I liked that it tracked my knowledge."
"Easy to access, tracked progress."
"Easy to access anywhere: waiting for a doctor appointment, waiting on the phone with tech support, watching TV in the evening."
Language educators use Brainscape to help their students master vocabulary and verb conjugations
From Luzi Nabholz, founder of YourGermanTeacher:
"Brainscape helped our online students be more engaged with the course material! YourGermanTeacher offers self-paced video online courses for people who want to learn the German language. The biggest problem with online courses is that people need a lot of self-discipline to finish the course.
"After adding our flashcard package with Brainscape, we saw a huge difference in compliance and completion. Students who purchased our Brainscape flashcards and our online courses were much more likely to complete the course and graduate with a much better grasp of vocabulary. Definitely a win-win situation!
"In addition to the unique Brainscape algorithm, the fantastic user experience, and intuitive use, Brainscape's team is very friendly, helpful, and fast in terms of customer service. Brainscape has been and continues to be a great partner for us!"
Other videos from students who use (and love) Brainscape
Iris Lau, studying USMLE Step 1 (in medical school).
John Regan, pilot, studying flight protocols.
Fritha Jameson, studying Chinese.

Stephanie Geary, studying Accounting.

Henry Smith, studying Politics and International Relations.