This class was created by Brainscape user Patryk Lasiuk. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (71)

Preparing for NAPLEX: Top drugs
Abacavir lamivudine,
Acetaminophen codeine
321  cards
Preparing for NAPLEX: Top IV drugs
92  cards
Pharmacy Foundations : Basic Science Concepts
Substrate or ligand,
23  cards
Pharmacy Foundations: Common Receptors, substrates, and drug examples
1  cards
Pharmacy Foundations: Drug interactions
Pharmacodynamic drug interaction,
Additive effects can be caused when
24  cards
Pharmacy Foundations: Lab values & Drug monitoring
Cbc info,
Leukocytosis is,
Polycythemia is
62  cards
Pharmacy Foundations: Drug References
What is the fda approved drug inf...,
Where can you find a drugs packag...,
The strictest warning on a drug l...
40  cards
Pharmacy Foundations: Drug formulations & patient counseling
Reasons to use long acting oral t...,
Osmotic controlled release oral d...,
When are suspensions or solutions...
37  cards
Pharmacy Foundations: IV medication principles
When is iv route used for drug de...,
Peripheral vs central lines,
Central lines are required for ad...
27  cards
0  cards
Compounding & Hazardous Drugs: Basics
0  cards
Compounding & Hazardous Drugs: Equipment, Stability & Excipients
0  cards
Compounding & Hazardous Drugs: Documentation & Preparation
0  cards
Renal & Liver Disease: Renal Disease
Acute kidney injury aki,
Chronic kidney disease ckd,
Kidney failure esrd
70  cards
Renal & Liver Disease: Hepatitis & Liver Disease
What is hepatitis,
Hep a info,
Hep b info
52  cards
Immunizations & Travelers: Immunizations
Who provides recommendation for v...,
What is vis,
Active vs passive immunity
11  cards
Immunizations & Travelers: Travelers
What is the yellow card,
Travelers diarrhea info,
Travelers diarrhea prophylaxis
20  cards
Infectious Diseases I: background and ABX by drug class
How to determine if infection pre...,
Abx selection based on,
Gram organisms stain
112  cards
Infectious Diseases II: Bacterial Infections
Preferred abx for surgery prophyl...,
Abx prophylaxis for gi surgery,
Classic meningitis symptoms
63  cards
Infectious Diseases III: Antifungals & Antivirals
Amphotericin b moa,
Amphotericin b formulations,
Amphotericin b boxed warning
48  cards
Infectious Diseases IV: Opportunistic Infections
Immunocompromised state definitio...,
Common opportunistic infections i...,
Pjp or pcp ppx regimen
11  cards
Human Immunodeficiency Virus
Aids diagnosed when,
Hiv transmission,
High risk indicators for hiv are
54  cards
Cardiovascular Conditions: Dyslipidemia
Non hdl cholesterol,
Triglycerides tgs
49  cards
Cardiovascular Conditions: Hypertension
Primary vs secondary htn,
Stages of htn,
Proven lifestyle interventions
68  cards
Cardiovascular Conditions: Stable Ischemic Heart Disease
Stable angina,
Unstable angina,
Chest pain occurs when imbalance in
29  cards
Cardiovascular Conditions: Acute Coronary Syndromes
Risk factors for acute coronary s...,
Classic acs symptoms,
Ntg dose for acs
19  cards
Cardiovascular Conditions: Chronic Heart Failure
Hfref has a ef of,
Hfmref has ef of,
Hfpef has ef of
39  cards
Cardiovascular Conditions: Arrythmias
Arrhythmia is,
Which node is the hearts pacemaker,
When is qtc considered prolonged
47  cards
Cardiovascular Conditions: Stroke
Ischemic stroke caused by,
Hemorrhagic stroke is,
Transient ischemic attack
19  cards
Anticoagulation & Blood Disorders: Anticoagulation
Two pathways pf coagulation cascade,
Warren inhabits factors,
Doac work on factor
62  cards
Anticoagulation & Blood Disorders: Anemia
Anemia is the,
Symptoms of anemia,
What can develop with iron defici...
27  cards
Anticoagulation & Blood Disorders: Sickle Cell Disease
Rbc life span,
Sickle cell disease,
18  cards
Eyes, Ears, Nose & Skin Conditions:Allergic Rhinitis, Cough & Cold
Cold vs allergies,
Nose wetting agents provide,
Nasal irrigation are
31  cards
Eyes, Ears, Nose & Skin Conditions: Common Conditions of the Eyes & Ears
Eye drops can be used in the ear ...,
Open vs closed angle glaucoma,
Most effective drugs at decreasin...
17  cards
Eyes, Ears, Nose & Skin Conditions: Common Skin Conditions
Tea tree oil can be used for,
Biotin can be used for,
Lysine can be used for
38  cards
Pulmonary Conditions & Tobacco cessation: Pulmonary Arterial HTN
Pulmonary hypertension is,
Sodium restricted diet means,
How to confirm diagnosis of pah
27  cards
Pulmonary conditions & tobacco cessation: Asthma
Classic symptoms of asthma,
Common asthma triggers,
56  cards
Pulmonary Conditions & Tobacco cessation: COPD
People with what deficiency are a...,
Post bronchodilator fev1 fvc of w...,
Gold system copd
28  cards
Pulmonary Conditions & Tobacco cessation: Tobacco Cessation
Pack year smoking history calcula...,
Who is recommended behavioral cou...,
Which enzyme does nicotine induce
32  cards
Endocrine Conditions: Diabetes
Diabetes background info,
Type 1 diabetes,
Type 2 diabetes
113  cards
Endocrine Conditions: Thyroid Disorders
Two thyroid hormones produced by ...,
Which thyroid hormone is monitore...
34  cards
Endocrine Conditions: Systemic Steroids & Autoimmune Conditions
Cortisol replaced by giving,
Aldosterone replaced by giving,
Fludrocortisone info
82  cards
Male & Female Health: Contraception & Infertility
How do pregnancy tests work,
Folate recommendation for pregnan...,
Which reversible contraceptive ha...
38  cards
Male & Female Health: Drug use in Pregnancy & Lactation
Obstetric history,
Calcium and vit d requirement for...,
Two immunizations routinely recom...
9  cards
Male & Female Health: Osteoporosis, Menopause & Testosterone Use
Cells involved in bone formation,
Cells involved in bone reabsorption,
Gold standard to measure bmd and ...
66  cards
Male & Female Health: Sexual Dysfunction
Pde 5i contraindications,
Pde 5i warnings,
Pde 5i side effects
9  cards
Male & Female Health: Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)
Signs and symptoms of bph,
5 alpha reductase inhibitors shou...,
5 alpha reductase inhibitor works by
15  cards
Male & Female Health: Urinary Incontinence
Overactive bladder symptoms,
Behavior therapies for oab,
Anticholinergic drugs for oab
13  cards
Special Populations: Acute & Critical Care Medicine
Crystallids vs colloids,
Common colloids,
Common crystalloids
57  cards
Special Populations: Pediatric Conditions
When to seek urgent care for chil...,
Infant with apgar score less than...,
Baby considered pre term if born ...
24  cards
Special Populations: Cystic Fibrosis
Doses in cf patients tend to be,
Order of inhaled medications for cf,
Chronic infection is treated with...
10  cards
Special Populations: Transplant
Universal donor blood type,
Universal received blood type,
33  cards
Special Populations: Weight Loss
Who are weight loss medications i...,
When should weight loss medicatio...,
Qysmia generic
28  cards
Pain/Related Conditions: Pain
Most common medications for mild ...,
Opioids are most appropriate for ...,
When should adjuvants be consider...
89  cards
Pain/Related Conditions: Migraine
Common migraine triggers,
Migraine diagnosis,
Triptan mechanism of action
37  cards
Pain/Related Conditions: Gout
Gout is caused by,
Gout attack info,
Risk factors for gout
38  cards
Oncology: Oncology I: Overview & Side Effect Management
Neoadjuvant therapy is given,
Adjuvant therapy is given,
Warning signs of cancer
83  cards
Oncology: Oncology II: Common Cancer Types & Treatment
Complete response is when,
Partial response is when,
Brca1 and braca2 gene mutations
145  cards
Psychiatric Conditions: Depression
Dsm 5 criteria,
Bipolar disorder should be ruled ...,
Natural products that maybe helpf...
51  cards
Psychiatric Conditions: Schizophrenia/ Psychosis
Common schizophrenia symptoms,
Negative schizophrenia symptoms,
Positive schizophrenia symptoms
34  cards
Psychiatric conditions: Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar i,
Bipolar ii,
Bipolar depression
20  cards
Psychiatric Conditions: ADHD
Adhd symptoms,
Inattention criteria,
Hyperactivity impulsivity criteria
24  cards
Psychiatric Conditions: Anxiety Disorders
Ssris and snris for anxiety,
2nd line drugs for anxiety,
Propranolol inderal la for anixety
14  cards
Psychiatric Conditions: Sleep Disorders
Diagnosis of chronic insomnia,
Natural products for insomnia,
Cognitive behavioral therapy for ...
27  cards
Neurologic Conditions: Parkinson Disease
Parkinsons trap major symptoms,
Off time,
Carbidopa levodopa
28  cards
Neurologic Conditions: Alzheimer's Disease
Natural products that may have be...,
Mainstay of alzheimer s txm,
Acetylcholinesterase inhibitor moa
12  cards
Neurologic Conditions: Seizures/Epilepsy
Focal seizures,
Generalized seizures,
Unknown seizures
77  cards
Gastrointestinal Conditions: GERD & Peptic Ulcer Disease
Typical gerd symptoms,
Frequency required to be consider...,
Barrett s esophagus
41  cards
Gastrointestinal Conditions: Constipation & Diarrhea
Bulk forming laxative,
Osmotic laxatives,
Stimulant laxatives
51  cards
Gastrointestinal Conditions: Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Ulcerative colitis classifications,
Chron s disease for mild disease txm,
Crohn s moderate severe disease txm
16  cards
Gastrointestinal Conditions: Motion Sickness
0  cards

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naplex review 2024 rxprep book

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