year 5 path copy wakana

This class was created by Brainscape user P K. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

By: P K

Decks in this class (63)

Microbio - RTIs
Compromises to the respiratory de...,
3 results on investigations which...,
Clinical features of strep pneumo...
11  cards
Histopath - connective tissue diseases
Pernicious anemia pathophys,
11 features of sle,
What is the titre in the ana test
34  cards
Histopath - Respiratory disease
3 types of cancer in order from m...,
How common is lung cancer in wome...,
Smoking has the strongest associa...
72  cards
Microbio - antimicrobials
Most common systems affected in a...,
Name 2 abx commonly causing renal...,
4 things to consider when choosin...
64  cards
Haem - myeloproliferative neoplasias + acute leukaemia
Normal haumatopoeisis is regulate...,
Important enzymes in haematopoeis...,
2 mutations seen in mpns
52  cards
Chempath - Thyroid
High tsh low t4,
High tsh normal t4,
High tsh high t4
30  cards
Intro to immunology
Skin how does it act as a barrier...,
Secreted mucous 4 ways that it ac...,
Commensal bacteria how doe sit ac...
11  cards
Hamm - coagulation
2 functions of the endothelium,
Life span of a platelet where do ...,
Platelet adhesion
13  cards
Immuno- Primary immune deficiencies
How are t cells selected in the t...,
How do lymphoid progenitors becom...,
2 ways in which cd8 cells kill ce...
60  cards
Microbio - GI infections
Most common travellers diarrhoea,
Most common bloody travellers dia...,
Bacteria with incubation period 6...
26  cards
Histopath - urology
Epidermoid cyst which area does t...,
Scrotal calcinosis what is this,
Blue red lesions of scrotal skin
51  cards
Chempath - Calcium metabolism
Calcium in serum exists in 3 form...,
Normal ca range corrected ca2 cal...,
Why is corrected calcium important
14  cards
Random antibodies + tests
Anti mitochondrial antibody,
P anca,
Ham test
42  cards
Microbio - viral hepatitis
Which hep virus is dna,
Hepatitis a virus time course how...,
Transmission of hav hbv hcv hev
20  cards
Chempath - metabolic disorders and screening
True positive 90false positive 5t...,
True positive 90false positive 5t...,
True positive 90false positive 5t...
39  cards
Haem - CML
Cml sex age,
Typical cml history,
Typical finding on examination of...
15  cards
Microbio- zoonoses + prion disease
Definition of zoonoses,
3 infections from rats,
5 infections from cats
35  cards
Histopath - Gynae
Hpv most common high risk types m...,
How does hpv cause cervical dyspl...,
Risk factors for hpv infection
31  cards
Haem - MDS + Aplastic Anemia
Define a myelodysplastic syndrome,
Clinical features of mds,
What do defective blood cells in ...
23  cards
Histopath - Breast
Painful red breast dx cause image...,
3 point tx plan for acute mastitis,
Main clinical symptom of duct ect...
40  cards
Immuno - allergy
How does the immune system recogn...,
How do th2 cells signal to activa...,
Oral vs skin exposure to allergen...
34  cards
Histopath - neoplastic bone disease
Most common type of bone tumour,
2 important ix for suspected bone...,
A malignant primary bone tumour s...
26  cards
Chempath - assessment of renal function 1
What is the best measure of kidne...,
Normal gfr how does this change w...,
Define clearance
25  cards
Renal pathology
Pkd1 and pkd2 gene mutation,
U es 2 abnormalities seen in aki,
Histology stains ve for ancascant...
14  cards
Immune - Stem cell transplantation
How does allogenic stem cell tran...,
How do we match a donor to the pa...,
Hla what chromosome is it on what...
19  cards
Chempath - liver function test + cases
Which tests is useful in understa...,
High brnormal other lfts give 2 c...,
Low albuminhigh brvv high ast alt...
22  cards
Microbio - UTIs
Define uncomplicated uti,
Define complicated uti,
Complicated uti is generally an i...
23  cards
Immuno - autoimmune and autoinflamm disease
Graves disease pathophysiology,
What type of hypersensitivity dis...,
Which thyroiditis is associated w...
76  cards
Haem - paediatric haematology
Why are children more predisposed...,
How does a childs response to inf...,
Which enzyme level in rbcs differ...
34  cards
Histopath lower GI
Hirschsprungs disease what is it ...,
Which part of the colon is git is...,
4 causes of acute colitis
26  cards
Histopath - liver disease CPC
List as many causes of high bilir...,
Van den bergh reaction 2 types wh...,
Which br commonly raised in neona...
45  cards
Immuno + microbio - vaccines + immune BOOSTER drugs
To eliminate a disease with a vac...,
Describe herd immunity
38  cards
Haem - Bain quiz cases
Rheumatoid arthritis associated h...,
10yo girl with painful r knee aft...,
1 year old boy with swollen right...
22  cards
Microbio - infections in pregnancy
Name 4 herpes viruses,
Hsv1 2 infection in a normal adul...,
Route of infection of the foetus ...
48  cards
Microbio- mycobacterial infections
2 broad groups of mycobacteria ph...,
Mycobacteria morphology do they g...,
Stains for mycobacteria
36  cards
Microbio - fever in a returning traveller
Fever in a returning traveller pe...,
Fever in a returning traveller co...,
Rose spots
16  cards
Haem - multiple myeloma
What is multiple myeloma,
Wtf is paraprotein,
Mm is more prevalent in whom
19  cards
Chempath - enzymes and cardiac markers
In cell necrosis which enzymes ar...,
If an enzyme is released by many ...,
Name 4 tissues which release alp ...
21  cards
Histopath - lung
Top 3 cancers in women,
List 4 types of lung cancer in or...,
Sqcc which part of the lung is af...
26  cards
Chempath: bugs and others EMQs
High canormal pthwhats the diagnosis,
Primary hyperparathyroidism what ...,
Bone histology in 1ary hyperparat...
21  cards
Microbio - infection CPC
68msob reduced ettproductive coug...,
Histology of pneumocystis pneumonia,
Neutrophil defects name 4 infecti...
17  cards
Histopath - cardio
Describe the pathogenesis of an a...,
3 main components of a plaque,
Which part of the aorta is more c...
40  cards
Chempath - hypoglycaemia + clin chem CPC
Acute mx of an alert and orientat...,
2 eg of mx for an acutely drowsy ...,
2 options for iv treatment of hyp...
43  cards
Histopath - metabolic bone disease
2 main types of bone in the body ...,
Rank is expressed by which cell i...,
Opg is expressed by which cell ho...
14  cards
Haem - haemolytic anaemia + anaemia generally
Causes of extravascular haemolyti...,
Features of intravascular haemoly...,
Inherited causes of haemolytic an...
37  cards
Microbio - antivirals
Acyclovir which herpes virus is t...,
Antiviral for treatment against cmv,
Effects of cmv infection
18  cards
Histopath - upper GI
3 layers of si,
Wtf is the z line of the oesophagus,
3 layers of the normal stomach in...
22  cards
Histopath - skin
Normal structures seen in the dermis,
How does normal skin on the soles...,
Name 4 vesicobullous diseases
26  cards
Micro - PUO + endocarditis
Definition fo puo,
8 causes of a classical puo,
4 diseases which present with fev...
32  cards
Micro - wound bone + joint infections
Rheumatoid arthritis patients are...,
How does hair removal increase ri...,
Biggest rf for ssi after cardioth...
15  cards
Micro - CNS infections + meningitis
4 processes involved in septicaem...,
2 most common causes of aseptic m...,
Viral causes of encephalitis
17  cards
Micro - influenza
Natural reservoir of influenza a ...,
Why does influenza virus only cau...,
How does influenza virus enter cells
14  cards
CHempath - Sodium + Potassium
Causes of hypervolemic hyponatraemia,
Hypovolemic hyponatremia causes,
Euvolemic hyponatremia causes
27  cards
Histo - non-neoplastic bone disease
Simple fracture,
Greenstick fracture,
Compound fracture
14  cards
Histopath - pancreas + gall bladder
Top causes of acute pancreatitis,
How does etoh lead to pancreatic ...,
Periductal inflammation in acute ...
28  cards
histopath - cerebrovascular path
Define stroke,
Most common site for cerebral thr...,
Most common site for cerebral emb...
28  cards
Micro - opportunistic viral infections
Egs of aids defining illnesses,
Jc virus in an immunocompromised ...,
In bmt patients why are they so i...
25  cards
chempath - porphyria
3 main features of porphyrias,
Acute intermittent porphyria what...,
What accumulates in aip
14  cards
Haem - lymphoma
Why are there so many diff subtyp...,
Why are lymphocytes prone to lymp...,
Eg of oncogenes in lymphoma
32  cards
Immuno - case studies
2 types of latex allergy,
Immediate management of anaphylax...,
Specific pt groups at risk of typ...
50  cards
Chempath - pituitary + adrenals + lipid management
High tsh and high prolactin,
Trh stimulates,
Prolactin levels in a non functio...
38  cards
Chempath - nutrition
Glutathione reductase test is for,
Rbc transketolase test is for
2  cards
past paper qs unknowns
A man after a road traffic accide...,
Fe overload affected organs,
Immediate haemolytic transfusion ...
156  cards

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year 5 path copy wakana

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