This class was created by Brainscape user Aaska Banthiya. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (104)

Intro to opthamology
What are the 2 refracting surface...,
Where in the eye does light focus,
Where in the eye is the macula found
43  cards
Surgical pathway
What are some things to ask about...,
What are some things to ask about...,
What are some things to ask about...
28  cards
Prescribing, drug management & the BNF
What are the 5 risk factors for c...,
What may be reduced in order to r...,
What does nitric oxide do
12  cards
MM neuro tutorial
What are the types of haemorrhages,
What effect would an extradural h...,
Where do the arteries in the brai...
115  cards
Cardiovascular examination
What position should the patient ...,
What should you look for in gener...,
What should you look for when ins...
59  cards
GI exam
0  cards
Neuro exam cranial nerves
How do you usually test for cn 1,
What are some causes of anosmia,
Is cn 1 sensory or motor
66  cards
Respiratory examination
What should you look for during g...,
What should you look for during g...,
What should you look for when ins...
53  cards
Neuro exam PNS
If a patient comes in with motor ...,
Damage to which nerve causes carp...,
What position should the patient ...
78  cards
GI exam
What position should a patient be...,
What might you see when inspectin...,
What might grey turner s sign ind...
8  cards
MM renal tutorial
What is aki,
How is aki measured,
How can you differentiate aki fro...
125  cards
Headache (conditions on sofia)
How will someone with migraines t...,
What are some risk factors for mi...,
How are migraines diagnosed
27  cards
Confusion (conditions from sofia)
What is delirium,
What tool is used for the conditi...,
What are the 4 conditions that ne...
18  cards
Presentation+ diagnosis deck
A young man presents to a e follo...,
An elderly man present to a e wit...,
A young man presents to a e follo...
7  cards
Uro conditions
What triad of symptoms will someo...,
What general symptoms will someon...,
Who is at more risk of utis
16  cards
Cancer conditions
When is it appropriate to refer s...,
What symptoms will someone with o...,
Who is most likely to get oesopha...
30  cards
Infection conditions
What symptoms will someone with m...,
Who is more at risk of meningitis...,
What are the first line investiga...
71  cards
Endo conditions
What symptoms will someone with a...,
How does addison s disease arise,
Which 3 hormones are not produced...
136  cards
Psych conditions
What symptoms will someone with d...,
Who is most likely to get delirium,
What investigations are done when...
8  cards
Neuro conditions
What is epilepsy,
What symptoms will someone with e...,
What investigations should you do...
85  cards
Gastro conditions
When is it appropriate to refer s...,
What is cholecystitis,
What is the most common case of c...
101  cards
MSK conditions
What are some red flags for joint...,
What joint condition is acute can...,
What investigation can be done if...
98  cards
Cardio conditions
What is an abdominal aortic aneurysm,
What symptoms will someone with a...,
168  cards
Haematology conditions
What is haemachromatosis,
How will someone with haemochroma...,
What causes haemochromatosis
61  cards
Resp conditions
What is acute bronchitis,
How is acute bronchitis different...,
What symptoms will someone with a...
51  cards
Neck lump (oxford clin cases)
What is the most likely diagnosis...,
What is the most likely diagnosis...,
What features symptoms of a neck ...
20  cards
Dysphagia (oxford clin cases)
What is dysphagia,
When a patient complains of dysph...,
Define odynophagia
36  cards
Shortness of breath (oxford clin cases)
What are the 4 pathophysiological...,
What are some causes for acute sh...,
What is an exacerbating factor fo...
78  cards
Nausea and vomiting (oxford clin cases)
What are some vestibular causes o...,
What are some chemoreceptor trigg...,
What are some cns causes of nause...
40  cards
Blackout (oxford clin cases)
What is the difference between sy...,
What are some causes of syncope e...,
What are some syncopal causes of ...
19  cards
Epigastric pain (oxford clin cases)
What does epigastric pain that ha...,
What does epigastric pain that ha...,
Where is biliary pain usually whe...
24  cards
Jaundice (oxford clin cases)
What causes jaundice,
Where are rbc broken down,
What breaks down rbcs
60  cards
Haematemesis (oxford clin cases)
How is shock defined medically,
How is shock treated medically,
What are the common causes of hae...
40  cards
Limb weakness (oxford clin cases)
What pathology does acute sudden ...,
What pathology does subacute hour...,
What pathology does chronic weeks...
42  cards
RUQ pain (oxford clin cases)
What are some differentials when ...,
What differential for ruq pain ar...,
What does fever alongside ruq pai...
29  cards
Cough (oxford clin cases)
What is an acute cough,
What is a chronic cough,
What character may a cough be if ...
52  cards
Haemoptysis (oxford clin cases)
What is haemoptysis,
What may haemoptysis be confused ...,
How can you make sure a patient i...
38  cards
Breast lump (oxford clin cases)
What are the 4 common diagnoses w...,
What is a breast lump likely to b...,
What is a breast lump likely to b...
41  cards
Right iliac fossa pain (oxford clin cases)
What are some differentials that ...,
What diagnoses are more likely in...
26  cards
Flank pain (oxford clin cases)
What are some differentials when ...,
What 3 surgical emergencies do yo...,
Where will pain from kidney stone...
36  cards
Constipation (oxford clin cases)
What are some pathophysiological ...,
What are some differentials that ...,
What 3 types of drugs are commonl...
33  cards
Polyuria (oxford clin cases)
How do you clinically differentia...,
What is polyuria,
What are the top differentials yo...
50  cards
Groin lump (oxford clin cases)
What are some common differential...,
What questions might you ask in t...,
What questions should you ask in ...
39  cards
Left iliac fossa pain (oxford clin cases)
What is troisier s sign and what ...,
How will pain for peritonitis gen...,
What result on a venous blood gas...
5  cards
Scrotal mass (oxford clin cases)
What is a swollen and tender scro...,
What questions would you want to ...,
What 4 things must you keep in mi...
18  cards
Acute join pain (oxford clin cases)
In an acutely painful joint what ...,
What are articular causes of join...,
What are periarticular causes of ...
46  cards
Diarrhoea (oxford clin cases)
Define diarrhoea,
What are some causes of diarrhoea,
What differentials are more likel...
46  cards
Rectal bleeding (oxford clin cases)
What are some differentials that ...,
What are some questions you might...,
What medication is known to incre...
11  cards
Poor urinary output (oxford clin cases)
What should you do when informed ...,
What is an adults normal urine ou...,
What is oliguria numerically defi...
19  cards
MedED blood cancers and disorders
What do all rbcs roiginate from,
What are the 2 types of haematopo...,
What do myeloid stem cells give r...
137  cards
MedED cardiac SOB
What are some reasons that sob ar...,
What is the definition of heart f...,
What are the 3 ways heart failure...
98  cards
MedED chronic SOB
What are the 3 categories of lung...,
What are symptoms of resp conditi...,
What cells mediate inflammation i...
80  cards
MedEd diabetes and pituitary
What gene is t1dm associated with,
What is t2dm associated with,
What state causes polyuria in t1dm
77  cards
MedEd vascular disease
How is pvd classified,
What form of limb ischaemia is ac...,
What is the pathophysiology of pvd
111  cards
MedEd cough
What is the most common cause of ...,
What atypical scoring system is a...,
What scoring system is used to as...
130  cards
What cranial nerve palsy results ...,
How many nerves cross over at the...,
Where will the lesion be to cause...
82  cards
MedEd upper GI
What is achalasia,
How does achalasia happen,
What are causes of achalasia
67  cards
MedEd urology
What is the most common cause of ...,
What bacteria causes most utis,
What are differentials for scrota...
80  cards
MedEd ENT and opthamology
What is bppv,
What is the most common cause of ...,
How does bppv arise
77  cards
MedEd arthritides
What is osteoarthritis,
What are the 2 types of arthritis...,
How will soemone with osteoarthri...
84  cards
MedEd renal 1
What is aki,
What criteria is used in aki,
What is kdigo s criteria and what...
87  cards
MedEd adrenals
How do you remember the 3 zones o...,
What cells are in the middle of t...,
What conditions cause wasted adre...
35  cards
MedEd lower GI
What lower gi cancer is screened ...,
What is the most common type of c...,
What does colon cancer arise from
127  cards
MedEd acute withdrawal
What is alcohol withdrawal,
What 2 receptors are involved in ...,
Are nmda receptors excitatory or ...
74  cards
MedEd thyroid and misc endo
What cells produce t3 and t4,
What does negative feedback to th...,
What are hyperthyroid symptoms
59  cards
MedEd chronic neuro
What is ms,
What are rf for ms,
Why are nodric people those who l...
74  cards
MedEd AI and vasculitides
What is sarcoidosis,
Who is more likely to get sarcoid...,
What cells are present in sarcoid...
88  cards
MedEd anaemia
What do pencil cells on blood fil...,
What triad indicates colon cancer,
In what type of anaemia are poiki...
21  cards
MedEd liver and biliary disease 1
What does haeme break down into,
How is bilirubin carried in blood,
Where is bilirubin conjugated
52  cards
MedEd chest pain
What are the 2 types of ihd,
What are the 3 types of acs,
How do you differentiate unstable...
110  cards
MedEd acute abdomen
Who is most likely to get acute a...,
How does appendicits present,
What is murphys triad used to dia...
78  cards
MedEd data 2
What is your top differential for...,
What 2 things do hepatocytes produce,
What are the full names of alt as...
17  cards
MedED acute resp
What type of resp tract infection...,
What is a hap,
How long after admission to hospi...
107  cards
MedEd headache
How often should heachache patien...,
What might happen if headache pat...,
How do you manage a medication ov...
87  cards
MedEd acute neuro
What is a stroke,
What are the 2 type sof stroke an...,
What type of stroke is more common
164  cards
MedEd liver and biliary disease 2
Starting at the liver where bile ...,
Where is bile produced,
What part of the biliary tree ent...
91  cards
MedEd derm
When describing lesions what are ...,
What are the types of flat skin l...,
What are the types of fluid fille...
102  cards
CW2 atherosclerosis and vascular disease (karim meeran)
What is the first bedside investi...,
What specifically is a stress test,
Where on an ecg can you look to s...
23  cards
CSW2 severe hypertension (karim meeran)
What are signs of chronic hyperte...,
What will happen to the heart in ...,
What are the 4 grades of retinopathy
23  cards
CSW2 renal replacement therapy
What are the 3 main things that t...,
How is gfr best measured,
What are the stages of kidney fai...
20  cards
CSW2 obstructive sleep apnoea
What are the 2 ways osa arises,
What causes upper airway collapse...,
What is intrathoracic pressure in...
4  cards
CSW2 clinical cases conundrums
What drugs can be used for diabetes,
What should be given to a patient...,
When is a second medicine added f...
32  cards
CSW2 oesophagogastric and bariatric surgery
What are indications for subtotal...,
How is reconstruction after gastr...,
What vessels supply the stomach
18  cards
CSW2 HPB disease
What 2 ducts join to form the com...,
What are rf for gallstones,
What are the 2 main types of gall...
6  cards
CSW2 urology
What are kidney stones made of,
What is gs imaging for kidney stones,
What are differential diagnoses f...
10  cards
CSW2 liver disease
What are signs of chronic stable ...,
What does the enzyme make a lot of,
What does alt do
17  cards
CSW2 sarcoidosis
What characterises sarcoidosis,
What triggers sarcoidosis,
What do granulomas cause in sarco...
17  cards
Tennis gastro tut
What is a less likely cause of hy...,
What is the onset of ruptured aaa,
What are rf for ruptured aaa
41  cards
Tennis anaemia tut
How do you tell the difference be...,
What specific bloods might you wh...,
What is seen on bloods microcytic...
98  cards
Arthur's renal tut
0  cards
What is first line management for...,
How is spinal cord compression du...,
How is renal cancer managed
99  cards
What type of hf does diastolic dy...,
What type of hf does systolic dys...,
How can you differentiate hfpef a...
143  cards
Endo tut
What do you need to check before ...,
If a goitre is tender to touch in...,
What antibody do you test for in ...
5  cards
What drug can be given to slow th...,
What heart phase is affected in h...,
What are some common live virus v...
123  cards
What side of the heart is straine...,
What type of lung cancer is most ...,
If there is a lesion in the spina...
84  cards
MedEd renal 2
What is ckd,
What is egfr in end stage renal d...,
What are the different ways of st...
17  cards
SBA DECK 9/05/22
How do you identify acs,
When might an aaa cause non acute...,
What are the rules for giving n a...
47  cards
SBA DECK 16/05
Out of pt and aptt which measures...,
How can you differentiate vwb dis...,
What is the major class of side e...
50  cards
SBA DECK 23/05
What is first line management for...,
What abx is used for infective en...,
How is stable angina managed
142  cards
Laz and Oli SBA corrections
What murmur does severe aortic re...,
Describe the motor scores in gcs,
What test is sued to measure chro...
63  cards
SBA DECK 30/05
What is koilonychia,
What might predispose someone to ...,
What is first line management for...
97  cards
What are the causes of bloody dia...,
How does portal hypertension present,
What will be findings and symptom...
41  cards
diabetes drugs
What do dpp4 inhibitors end with,
What type of drugs end in gliptin,
When are dpp4 inhibitors used in ...
17  cards
What tb drug increases inr,
Whats the most common cause of an...,
Is deformities like swan neck bou...
101  cards

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