year 2 hematology

This class was created by Brainscape user Michael Gedestad. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (34)

Which is more abundant in the bon...,
What is the role of the bone marr...,
What is the relationship between ...
27  cards
RBC and cancer metabolism
What will be observed in the seru...,
What will be observed in the seru...,
What is accomplished by rbc metab...
31  cards
Iron and heme
Small rbcs is a clue for what typ...,
What is the mechanism of the fent...,
What are the active forms of iron
45  cards
Normal and abnormal hemoglobin
Myoglobin binds oxygen best at wh...,
Which hb subunits bind oxygen first,
How does 2 3 bpg affect oxygen af...
16  cards
B12 and folate metabolism
Folate is typically found in what...,
What is the functional form of fo...,
What enzyme converts folate to thf
24  cards
Clinical interpretation of lab exams
Definition anisocytosis,
Definition poikilocytosis,
Normal volume of rbc
25  cards
Pathology of anemia
Definition anemia,
In h e staining do immature rbcs ...,
Normoblastic rbcs will be seen in...
13  cards
Microcytic anemia
What does a small rdw red cell di...,
Non heme iron is mostly present i...,
Iron is best absorbed in what ph ...
18  cards
Anemia II
The pathophysiology classificatio...,
What are the main general causes ...,
What are the main reasons for meg...
17  cards
Hemolytic anemia
What are the haptoglobin levels i...,
What are the ldh levels in hemoly...,
What are the reticulocyte levels ...
11  cards
Efficient platelet adhesion to ec...,
What links the platelet to the en...,
Besides platelets what else does ...
41  cards
Virchows triad,
What are that anti platelet effec...,
What are the anticoagulant proper...
16  cards
Definition thrombocytopenia,
What is the regulator of platelet...,
What are the three general causes...
15  cards
What are the five species of plas...,
What is the distribution of p fal...,
What is the distribution of p vivax
42  cards
Rbc carbohydrate antigens tend to...,
Rbc protein antigens tend to stim...,
Which ig can cross the placenta w...
31  cards
Blood components
Are older rbc units better or wor...,
Are restrictive or liberal transf...,
What is the hb transfusion thresh...
22  cards
Transfusion reactions
When does a febrile transfusion r...,
What is the prevention for febril...,
Allergic transfusion reactions ar...
16  cards
Pediatric CBC
What blood components are include...,
What is the accepted range of wbc...,
Neutrophils account for what of w...
24  cards
Hematological malignancies
Definition leukemia,
Definition lymphoma and myeloma,
Myeloid myelogenous myeloprolifer...
38  cards
Anemia in childhood
How is hb assayed,
How is hct assayed
28  cards
Pediatric anemia group questions
When is tachycardia a finding in ...,
Does leukemia cause a microcyctic...,
What are conditions that could le...
4  cards
Surgical oncology
What comorbidity is highly associ...,
Definition neoadjuvant therapy,
What are the oncological emergencies
3  cards
Interventional radiology
What is the advantage of cryoabla...,
What is the disadvantage of cryoa...,
What are the stages of the cryoab...
25  cards
Radiation oncology
What are the top 3 cancer cases f...,
What are the top 3 cancer cases f...,
What are the top 3 cancer deaths ...
26  cards
What is the clinical phenotype of...,
The vast majority of mds cases ar...,
What are the symptoms of mds
35  cards
Multiple myeloma
What is the abnormal protein prod...,
What is the most common heavy cha...,
What are the symptoms of myeloma
24  cards
Pediatric oncology I
What is the most common childhood...,
What is the most common cancer in...,
What are the concerning signs and...
8  cards
Pediatric oncology II
What is the most common malignanc...,
What is the pathogenesis of all,
What are the three main signs of ...
38  cards
Acute leukemia
What are the exposure related eti...,
Is organomegaly common in aml,
What is an auer rod
14  cards
Hematological in primary care
What are megaloblastic differenti...,
What are non megaloblastic differ...,
What are causes of b12 deficiency
4  cards
Pathology of lymphomas
Follicular lymphomas are composed...,
Follicular lymphoma is positive f...,
Follicular lymphoma is negative f...
23  cards
Oncological emergencies I
What is the cause of superficial ...,
What is svc syndrome,
The svc accounts for what of veno...
39  cards
Oncological emergencies II
Definition malignant spinal cord ...,
Malignant spinal cord compression...,
What are the common cancer etiolo...
28  cards
Lymphoma II
What are the only infectious agen...,
The reed sternberg cell is of wha...,
Is hodgkins disease radiosensitive
11  cards

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year 2 hematology

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