year 2 clinical pathology

This class was created by Brainscape user Alice Spencer. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (64)

Antibacterial Agents 1
What is meant by the term antibiotic,
What is meant by antimicrobial ag...,
What is meant by semi synthetic c...
94  cards
Antibiotic resistance
What is meant by the abx era and ...,
What does mrsa stand for,
What does vre gre stand for
36  cards
What is the basic pathogenesis of...,
What are the 2 main types of vira...,
Name 5 common acute viral infections
36  cards
Introduction to parasites
What is a parasite,
Do parasites always cause disease,
What is a parasitic disease
81  cards
Intro to antifungal agents
Name the 2 3 main types of fungi,
Name the 5 main antifungal targets,
Why is ergosterol a good target f...
46  cards
Childhood viral infections
Give 6 notifiable diseases which ...,
What is the difference in product...,
How can measurements of immunoglo...
122  cards
Vaccination is considered the sin...,
There are 3 strategies of vaccina...,
What are the 5 possible programma...
20  cards
Infection Prevention & Control
What are the 6 steps in the chain...,
Infection prevention and control ...,
Give 4 examples of how pathogenic...
26  cards
Autoimmunity diagnosis
What are the 2 general principles...,
What is the definition of specifi...,
What is the definition of specifi...
54  cards
Autoimmune diseases
What 3 factors contribute to the ...,
What is the most common gene impl...,
What role do mhc hla genes play i...
56  cards
What is the role of pattern recog...,
What are the 5 major components o...,
What is the function of b lymphoc...
44  cards
Immunomodulation and suppression
What is meant by immunomodulation,
What are the 3 possible outcomes ...,
What are the 7 mechanisms of immu...
72  cards
What is meant by allergic and hyp...,
Which hypersensitivity reactions ...,
Type 3 hypersensitivity reactions...
78  cards
Infections in immunocompromised patients
Other than use of broad spectrum ...,
What are the 2 classes of immunod...,
What 2 kind of defects can arise ...
43  cards
The MHC and transplantation
Normal individuals have shown to ...,
Can transplant be performed betwe...,
Using immunofluorescent staining ...
41  cards
Upper Respiratory Tract infection
Give 4 organism of the normal urt...,
Give 5 respiratory pathogens that...,
What is the mode of transmission ...
68  cards
Respiratory Pathology
Roughly what percentage of deaths...,
What epithelium covers the conduc...,
What is the epithelium of the alv...
167  cards
Lower Respiratory Tract infections
What are the 4 main categories of...,
What are the 3 main types of bron...,
What are the 4 main types of pneu...
60  cards
Mycobacterial diseases
What shape are mycobacteria,
In which 2 ways are mycobacteria ...,
Mycobacteria are acid fast bacill...
65  cards
Upper GI Diseases
What are the names of the 2 oesop...,
What epithelium lines the oesophagus,
How far from the incisors is the ...
90  cards
Lower GI diseases
What are the 2 kinds of diverticula,
What is diverticulosis of the colon,
Where in the bowel wall do the di...
72  cards
Trauma and nutrition
What are the 4 main immediate pos...,
What are the 3 main later possibl...,
As a consequence of a major accid...
72  cards
Is gastroenteritis only caused by...,
The faecal flora is estimated to ...,
What are the 3 main beneficial af...
50  cards
Intra-abdominal infections
What is the definition of intra a...,
Is gastro enteritis an intra abdo...,
Are normal flora found in the sto...
58  cards
Viral meningitis/encephalitis
What is encephalitis,
What is meningo encephalitis,
Are encephalitis and meningitis e...
84  cards
Abscesses and other CNS infections
What are the 7 kinds of primary b...,
What is a brain abscess,
Are brain abscesses often polymic...
28  cards
CNS infections
Other than inflammation of the me...,
What is the main difference in sy...,
What is the usual cause of brain ...
75  cards
Cardiovascular diseases 3
What is endocarditis,
What are the 2 main types of endo...,
What is infective endocarditis
133  cards
Cardiovascular disease 1
What is the definition of ischeam...,
For what 2 main reasons could som...,
Why does diastolic insufficiency ...
72  cards
Cardiovascular diseases 2
What 5 things characterize the hy...,
What 3 things is the cardiac dysf...,
What are the 6 main steps in the ...
85  cards
Renal diseases 1
What are the 4 main functions of ...,
What are the 6 main presentations...,
Does the clinical presentation ne...
94  cards
Renal diseases 2
What 3 things can obstruct the re...,
What 5 things cause intrinsic obs...,
What 3 things cause extrinsic obs...
54  cards
Urinary tract infections
What differentiates upper urinary...,
What flora is found within the ur...,
What is the predominant skin flor...
39  cards
Urogenital pathology
What is the definition of nodular...,
What are the symptoms of nodular ...,
What type of symptoms are caused ...
68  cards
Intro to haematology
Define haematology,
What is meant by haemapoiesis hae...,
What are the 4 directions a haema...
82  cards
Chronic Myeloproliferative disorders
What are chronic myeloproliferati...,
Are chronic myeloproliferative di...,
In what percentage of patients do...
65  cards
Diseases of the female genital system 1
What is meant by vin,
What is meant by cin,
Intraepithelial neoplasia refer t...
76  cards
Disorders of the female genital tract 2: Uterus and ovaries
What is endometriosis,
25 of women with endometriosis ar...,
What investigation is carried out...
90  cards
Breast pathology
The majority of malignancies in t...,
Aswell as carcinomas what other t...,
What is the main factor which is ...
24  cards
Blood Transfusion
What 3 blood components can be ta...,
Whole blood can be processed to g...,
Once whole blood has been process...
76  cards
Infections of pregnancy, puerperium and neonate
What is the definition of puerperium,
A neonate is an infant less than ...,
For what 2 reasons do infections ...
56  cards
HIV and STIs
What is the most common diagnosed...,
What has led to a decrease in the...,
How are stis spread
100  cards
Aquired Bleeding Disorders
Give the 6 acquired bleeding diso...,
When assessing a patient with a p...,
What are the 3 clotting tests whi...
52  cards
Heritable bleeding disorders
What are the primary and secondar...,
What are the 3 basic steps in pla...,
How are clotting screen tests car...
59  cards
Common causes of anaemia and thrombocytopenia
What are the 6 causes of anaemia ...,
What are the 3 types of anaemia a...,
What are the 3 causes of macrocyt...
65  cards
Haemaglobinopathies and Obstetric Haematology
How is the production of erythroc...,
What are the 3 functions of the g...,
All normal hb are made up of what
97  cards
Myeloma and Lymphoma
Where does the process of b cell ...,
What is significant about b cell ...,
How are immunoglobulins classified
65  cards
Acute Leukaemia
What is acute leukaemia,
Why does acute leukaemia normally...,
What are the 4 basic types of leu...
38  cards
Bone diseases and bone markers
What are the 4 purposes of bone,
What are the 2 types of bone maki...,
What 3 types of cells are found w...
124  cards
Disorders of Calcium, magnesium and phosphate
What blood test tube should never...,
What are the 4 main roles of calc...,
What is the structural role of ca...
85  cards
Thrombosis and risk factors for thrombosis
What does virchows triad define a...,
What is the normal cause of arter...,
What kind of thrombus forms in ar...
78  cards
Paediatric Haematology
What are the 4 main things to rem...,
What are the 6 differences betwee...,
What are the sites of haematopoie...
32  cards
What is diabetes,
What is diabetes,
What 2 other conditions do patien...
72  cards
Endocrine Investigations
What are the 2 principles of dyna...,
What is the basic feedback loop i...,
In the male reproductive system w...
44  cards
Endocrine Pathology
The pituitary gland is made up of...,
Give the 5 causes of pituitary gl...,
The vast majority of primary pitu...
106  cards
Infections of bones and joints
What is the medical term for infe...,
Is antibiotic treatment sufficien...,
What is the most common presentin...
50  cards
Musculoskeletal disease 1
What is arthritis,
What are the 2 commonest types of...,
What is oa also known as
74  cards
Diseases of the Hepatobiliary System 1
At what level of bilirubin is jau...,
What is the commonest sign of liv...,
What is the cause of pre hepatic ...
79  cards
Diseases of the Hepatobiliary System 2
Cirrhosis is a major risk factor ...,
Is hepatocellular carcinoma hcc m...,
Why is the incidence of hcc thoug...
41  cards
Investigation of the liver
Hepatocytes make up what percenat...,
What are the 3 functions of the l...,
Which kinds of hormones are inact...
72  cards
Diseases of muscle
Give the 5 limited symptoms of mu...,
What are the 5 clinical muscle in...,
Give 3 common sights of muscle bi...
43  cards
Infections of the skin and soft tissue
What are the 2 pathogeneses of sk...,
Which 2 herpes viruses can cause ...,
In addition to the herpes viruses...
77  cards
Diseases of the head and neck
What kind of carcinoma accounts f...,
Is the incidence and mortality re...,
What are the survival rates of or...
58  cards
Diseases of the skin and eye
Give 2 infections which cause inf...,
What are the 2 forms of chlamydia...,
Give the 6 causes of cataracts
82  cards

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year 2 clinical pathology

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