This class was created by Brainscape user Lucy Jefford. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (36)

Respiratory Physiology- introduction
List the functions of the respira...,
Explain simply what is meant by g...,
What is maintained by the respira...
56  cards
Respiratory Physiology- relating structure to function
What is meant by tv,
Define tidal volume,
What is meant by erv
69  cards
Alveolar/Pulmonary Ventilation
What is the anatomical dead space...,
What is anatomical dead space,
What is the average tidal volume
18  cards
Diffusion of Gases between Alveoli and Blood
What do pulmonary arteries do,
What do pulmonary veins do,
What does pulmonary circulation do
20  cards
Common lung pathologies affecting diffusion
What happens in emphysema,
In individuals with emphysema wha...,
What happens in fibrosis fibrotic...
3  cards
Lung Function Tests & Common Lung Diseases
What is meant by a obstructive lu...,
What is meant by a restrictive lu...,
Name two obstructive lung diseases
35  cards
Ventilation- perfusion relationship
What can ventilation and perfusio...,
Define ventilation,
What does alveolar ventilation te...
41  cards
Gas transport in the blood
Where does blood transport oxygen...,
Where does the blood transport co...,
Name the two forms in which oxyge...
64  cards
Clinical Features of Asthma in Children
What must the child have if they ...,
Is asthma chronic or acute,
Name three symptoms of asthma
23  cards
Management of Asthma in Children
What are the main goals in the tr...,
What is the aim in terms of reduc...,
What type og questions are best w...
51  cards
Clinical Features of Asthma in Adults
Asthma leads to what two things h...,
What can increased airway reactiv...,
What is atopy
50  cards
Management of Asthma in Adults
What type of muscle surrounds air...,
List some of the non pharmacologi...,
List some of the aims of asthma t...
20  cards
Clinical Features of COPD
What does copd stand for,
Is copd reversible,
Copd is an umbrella term for whic...
37  cards
Management of COPD
List some of the non respiratory ...,
What are the most important thing...,
What are some of the other things...
20  cards
Pathology of Obstructive Lung Disease
What is the normal value for fev1,
What is the normal value for fvc,
What is the normal ratio for fev1...
39  cards
Upper Respiratory Tract Infections in Children
Name some of the side effects of ...,
What of all admissions of childre...,
What is one symptom common of urti
26  cards
Lower Respiratory Tract Infections in Children
List some common bacterial infect...,
Name two bacteria which are not c...,
List some viruses which cause lrti
44  cards
Lower Respiratory Tract Infections in Adults
Upper respiratory tract infection...,
What is the inflammation of the t...,
Which part of the lungs does pneu...
92  cards
Respiratory Medicine in GP setting
What are the main respiratory pre...,
Define dyspnoea,
List some common urti s seen in gp
23  cards
Describe the groups vulnerable to...,
What proportional of all tb cases...,
Tb kills more than which two dise...
54  cards
Pathology of RTI's
Lung infections might be the outc...,
What can impact the capacity to r...,
What are the three subdivions of ...
35  cards
Radiology of Lung Cancer and Staging
When looking at a chest x ray wha...,
What would we expect to see in a ...,
What do you need to pay attention...
43  cards
Pathology of Lung Cancer
What is the number one cause of c...,
What is the biggest cause of lung...,
After tobacco what are the three ...
50  cards
Surgical Management of Lung Cancer
Recap what does t refer to in the...,
How big would a tumour be to be c...,
How big would a tumour be to be c...
30  cards
Non-Surgical Management of Cancer
What are the two main subtypes fo...,
Which type of lung cancer is more...,
What are the main two types of no...
51  cards
Pleural Disease
Describe the structure of the pleura,
Recap name the pleura on the outs...,
Recap name the pleura on the insi...
57  cards
Smoking Cessation
What can nicotine also act as,
How many d chemicals are in cigar...,
How many known carcinogens are in...
41  cards
Clinical Features and Management of Restrictive Lung Diseases
What is the physiological definit...,
What is a marker of restriction,
What is used to determine restric...
35  cards
Developmental Aspects of Lung Disease
How many stages are there in lung...,
What is the first stage in lung m...,
What is the first stage in lung m...
66  cards
Cystic Fibrosis in Children and Adults
Is cystic fibrosis dominant or re...,
How do you get a recessive diseas...,
In which group is cf the most com...
54  cards
Sleep Apnoea and Narcolepsy
What is obstructive sleep apnoea ...,
Define apnoea,
What is sleep apnoea usually asso...
36  cards
Cardiothoracic Surgery and the Lung in Non-Malignant Situations
Recap what is a lung abscess,
What can be a common cause of a l...,
Recap what is empyema
32  cards
Chronic Ventilatory Failure
In those w pulmonary ventilatory ...,
In those w pulmonary ventilatory ...,
What is the ph like in those w ch...
10  cards
Pathology of Restrictive Lung Disease
What is the interstitium,
What are the two basement membran...,
Describe the relationship between...
45  cards
Pulmonary Vascular Disease
Describe what happens in a pulmon...,
List some of the major risk facto...,
Why are you at an increased risk ...
31  cards
Morning of Exam xx
How does sarcoidosis present,
Curb 65 go,
When do you use curb 65
9  cards

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year 1- respiration

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