week 7 - clinical microbiology & infections 2

This class was created by Brainscape user Omnia Osman. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

GI Infections
Define gastroenteritis 1,
What are the symptoms of gastroen...,
Define diarrhoea 1
87  cards
Viral Gastroenteritis
Define viral gastroenteritis 1,
Who is more susceptible to gettin...,
Name the viruses that cause viral...
15  cards
Bone & Joint Infection
Label the following diagram of a ...,
Define septic arthritis 1,
Why should septic arthritis be tr...
34  cards
Infection of the CNS
Cns infections can be classified ...,
Define meningitis 1,
Define encephalitis and meningo e...
43  cards
CBL - Bacterial Meningitis
Describe the classic triad of acu...,
What is brudzinski sign 2,
What is kernig sign 1
9  cards
Infections in the Immunocompromised
What are the components of the no...,
What does the normal adaptive imm...,
What are the functions of b cells 3
47  cards
Viral Respiratory Tract Infection
Define the common cold 1,
What are the viral causes of the ...,
What are the typical symptoms of ...
33  cards
Maxi CBL - Pneumonia
What are the features of a typica...,
What are the features of an atypi...,
What are the most common organism...
7  cards
Tuberculosis (TB)
How is m tuberculosis transmitted 2,
Describe primary tuberculosis 6,
Describe the composition of a tb ...
28  cards
Maxi CBL - Pulmonary TB
What are the typical symptoms of ...,
Which groups of people are at hig...,
What is the potential differentia...
7  cards
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Who should consider taking a sexu...,
What are the typical presenting s...,
What are the typical presenting s...
42  cards
What key facts should you establi...,
What tests are generally taken at...,
What are the benefits of regular ...
8  cards
HIV - Virology & Clinical
What activities allow hiv transmi...,
Describe the pathophysiology of h...,
Define latency in terms of hiv 1
18  cards
Maxi CBL - HIV
What are the criteria that correl...,
What is the difference between se...,
What are the differential diagnos...
15  cards
CBL - Malaria
What are the important features o...,
What conditions are included in t...,
List the infections associated wi...
11  cards
Childhood Infection & Vaccinations
0  cards

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week 7 - clinical microbiology & infections 2

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