This class was created by Brainscape user Hannah Tizard. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (23)

Male and Female Reproductive Systems
Explain five functions of the fem...,
Explain the four functions of the...,
What is the optimal temperature o...
30  cards
The menstrual cycle
Which hormone is the corpus luteu...,
Follicle stimulating hormone stim...,
What hormones are produced and re...
13  cards
Fertilisation and embryology
What is a zygote a a cell formed ...,
What is meiosis,
Name the male and female gametes
14  cards
The Placenta - anatomy and functions
Maternal blood pools via open end...,
What is the function of the placenta,
How is the placenta formed
13  cards
A & P changes within the body during pregnancy/hormones responsible
_______________ plays an importan...,
What are the two main female repr...,
Progesterone is produced and incr...
9  cards
The female pelvis
What does superior mean,
What does inferior mean,
What does sub mean
19  cards
The pelvic floor
Name the two triangles that form ...,
What is the name of the two trans...,
What are the two muscles that run...
12  cards
The fetal skull
What are the names of the four ty...,
What bones make up the forehead s...,
What bones run across the top of ...
23  cards
Maternal systematic adaptations in the intrapartum period
How much does cardiovascular outp...,
What three problems may occur due...,
What hormone is responsible for c...
6  cards
The stages of labour and the changes that occur during these different stages of labour
What is the name for the 1st stag...,
What is the name for the 1st stag...,
What is it called when the cervix...
12  cards
Mechanisms of labour and birth
What is meant by the descent,
What is meant by flexion,
What degrees does the fetus norma...
8  cards
Pain and management of pain
Where is visceral pain likely to ...,
The pushing and pulling of which ...,
Where is somatic pain likely to o...
18  cards
Maternal postnatal anatomy and physiology
What is another name for the post...,
Which two hormone levels drop fro...,
Which hormone increases greatly a...
21  cards
Fetal adaptation to extrauterine life
What are the five structures of f...,
What are the three immediate phys...,
Where is the ductus venosus situated
8  cards
Physiological observations and normal ranges during pregnancy (normal blood pressure, pulse, respirations etc)
What is meant by vital signs,
Why are vital signs taken,
What three things do we listen fo...
24  cards
Urinalysis - Recommendations for collection and identification of UTI’s, Glucose and Protein
What are we looking for when just...,
What would dark coloured urine su...,
What four things do we check for ...
10  cards
Assessment of Fetal lie, position, and presentation (consider abdominal palpation)
What are the three stages of abdo...,
What is the fetal lie,
What is the attitude of the fetus
14  cards
Assessment of fetal heart rate and interpretation
What does isia mean,
What is the normal heart rate ran...,
What three things are considered ...
14  cards
Vaginal examinations - Midwifery assessment using theory of vaginal examinations and fetal positioning.
What are the three things we are ...,
What are we looking out for when ...,
What are we looking out for when ...
13  cards
Midwifery assessment of the postnatal check in community
Why is a postnatal maternal check...
1  cards
Characteristics of a well neonate including APGAR score
How should a well newborn s skin ...,
What may still appear on a well n...,
What should a well newborn s napp...
13  cards
The initial exam of the newborn
When we observe a newborn what ar...,
What are we looking for on a well...,
What are we looking for on a well...
14  cards
Questions about the role of the midwife
0  cards

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uclan midwifery mw1500 exam

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